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Dispute Resolution: Most in Demand Arbitrators

United Arab Emirates

4 Years Ranked


Provided by Anne K Hoffmann


Practice Areas

Anne K. Hoffmann, LL.M. is a full-time independent arbitrator who acts globally in international arbitrations.

She is dual-qualified in Germany and England & Wales and has practised for more than two decades across the globe in both civil and common law jurisdictions. During that time, she worked at leading law firms and with internationally acclaimed arbitration specialists in London, Geneva and Dubai before focusing on her practise as a full-time arbitrator.

Ms. Hoffmann acts in commercial disputes. She has been appointed in disputes in a great variety of areas and sectors such as sale and purchase as well as shareholder disputes, international trade, banking and finance, including guarantees and loan agreements, energy and mining, natural resources, medical, licensing and franchise agreements, construction, infrastructure and property.

To date, she has acted as sole arbitrator, co-arbitrator, chair and emergency arbitrator in both institutional arbitrations under all major rules (including ICC, LCIA, Swiss Rules, DIFC-LCIA, SIAC, HKIAC, SCC, VIAC, DIAC, KCAB, CRCICA and DIS) as well as ad hoc, including UNCITRAL.

She also specialises in investment arbitration and has acted both as co-arbitrator as well as presiding arbitrator in ICSID and non-ICSID investment disputes based on bilateral investment agreements (BITs) and the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT).


Oct 2018 – present Independent Arbitrator, Hoffmann Arbitration, Dubai

Jan 2017 – Sep 2018 Legal Director at Clyde & Co, Dubai

Jun 2013 – Jun 2016 Special Counsel at Al Tamimi & Company, Dubai

Apr 2005 – May 2013 Associate and Partner (from 2011) at Python & Peter, Geneva

Jan 2003 – Mar 2005 Worked as assistant at the Bar in London, especially for VV Veeder, QC and Alan Redfern

Nov 2000 - Dec 2002 Associate at Coudert Brothers, London

Professional Memberships

Ms. Hoffmann is on the Panel of Arbitrators of SIAC, HKIAC, AIAC, KCAB and ArbitrateAD and a member of the SIAC Users Council.

She is a member of the MENA Committee of the Equal Representation in Arbitration Pledge.

Ms. Hoffmann is also a member of ICCA where she currently acts as a Mentor in the Young ICCA Mentoring programme.


- Duty of Disclosure and Challenge of Arbitrators: The Standard Applicable Under the New IBA Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest and the German Approach, 21(3) Arb. Int'l 427 (2005)

- Counterclaims by the Respondent State in Investment Arbitrations – The Award on Jurisdiction over Respondent’s Counterclaim in Saluka Investments B.V. v Czech Republic, 6 SchiedsVZ, 317 (2006)

- Book review on “International Investment, Political Risk and Dispute Resolution: a Practitioner’s Guide” by Noah Rubins and Stephan Kinsella, 23(3) Arbitration International, 518 (2007)

- The investor’s right to waive access to protection under a bilateral investment treaty, 22(1) ICSID Review – Foreign Investment Law Journal, 69 (2007)

- Indirect Expropriation, in: Substantive Standards of Investment Protection (ed. A. Reinisch), Oxford University Press (2008);

- The Relationship between International Tribunals and Domestic Courts (co-authored with J. van Harsoelte – van Hof), in: The Oxford Handbook of International Investment Law (2008)

- Protection of Investments through Modern Treaty Arbitration – Diversity and Harmonisation, ASA Special Bulletin edited by Anne K. Hoffmann, May 2010

- Modern Forms of Expropriation, in: Protection of Investments through Modern Treaty Arbitration – Diversity and Harmonisation (ed. Anne K. Hoffmann), ASA Special Bulletin, May 2010

- Public policy versus private interest - has balance been maintained in investment protections in the Asia-Pacific region? in: Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law - Volume 4, Ian A. Laird, Todd J. Weiler, Nina Mocheva (editors), Juris 2012

- Counterclaims in Investment Arbitration, 28(2) ICSID Review – Foreign Investment Law Journal, 438 (2013)

- Selection and Appointment of Arbitrators, in: Arbitration in Switzerland – The Practitioner’s Guide (ed. Manuel Arroyo), Kluwer 2013 (first edition); 2018 (second edition)

- Denial of Benefits, in: International Investment Law – A Handbook (ed. M. Bungenberg, J. Griebel, S. Hobe, A. Reinisch), C.H. Beck-Hart-Nomos, 2015

- Counterclaims, in: Building International Investment Law - The First 50 Years of ICSID (ed. M. Kinnear, G. Fischer, J. Minguez Almeida, L. F. Torres, M. Uran Bidegain), Kluwer, 2016

- Middle Eastern Investors as Claimants in Investment Treaty Arbitrations, in: (2016) 3 BCDR International Arbitration Review, 389, Issue 2

- The New Arbitration Law of the United Arab Emirates – Two steps forward?, in: 3 SchiedsVZ, 126 (2019)

- Country Update: United Arab Emirates, in: Asian Dispute Resolution, October 2020, 179

- Iura Novit Arbiter, in: Default in International Arbitration – Striking the balance, Reports from the CEPANI Colloquium held on 25 November 2022 (ed. Dirk De Meulemeester), Wolters Kluwer 2022, 109

- Awards, Orders and Deliberations, in: MENA Leading Arbitrators’ Guide to International Arbitration (ed. G. Blanke, S. Corm-Bakhos, N. Comair-Obeid), Juris, 2023

Chambers Review

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Chambers Global Guide

Dispute Resolution: Most in Demand Arbitrators - United Arab Emirates

Individual Editorial

Anne Hoffmann is a highly regarded arbitrator who has in-depth experience in the Middle East. She is particularly skilled in general commercial and shareholder disputes, but also increasingly focused on disputes arising in the energy, natural resources and mining industries. Based in Dubai, she is dual-qualified in both Germany and England and Wales, and has noteworthy experience in investor-state arbitrations.


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United Arab Emirates

Dispute Resolution: Most in Demand Arbitrators

Anne K Hoffmann
Anne K Hoffmann