Alfonso Llorente Caballero
Europe Guide 2024
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Provided by Alfonso Llorente Caballero
Practice Areas
In defense of the interests of public bodies, companies, associations and individuals, he works in matters related to Urbanism, Tourism, Eminent Domain, Administrative Law, Litigation, Competition Law and Sectoral Regulation. Professor at “Máster de Alta Especialización en Derecho de los Sectores Económicos Regulados”, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
• Law degree, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
• Master’s degree in Territorial and Urban Policy, specializing in Urban Management, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
• "Competitive regulatory adjustments in Air Transport", in "Regulatory Techniques for Competition: a horizontal view of regulated sectors". Iustel.
• "Let every soil have a motivated owner". Cinco Días.
• "Who will win the war between tourism and urbanism?". El Economista.
• "Competition Law and Postal Services", in “Tratado de Derecho de la Competencia. Unión Europea y España” (J. M. Beneyto, J. Maillo, coord). Wolters Kluwer.
• “Preferential Electricity Tariff to Energy Intensive Industries: Amendments and Extensions Measures which Makes Incompatible...” (La Ley UE, SSRN 2366979).
• “La Competencia en Puertos y el Transporte Marítimo” (with Juan de la Cruz). At “Transportes y Competencia: los Procesos de Liberalización de los Transportes Aéreo, Marítimo y Terrestre y la Aplicación del Derecho de la Competencia”. Civitas y Fundación Wellington.
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