Managing Partner: Robert A. Panasci
Number of partners: 8
Number of associates: 3
Number of counsel and senior counsel: 9
Firm Overview:
Young/Sommer LLC is a recognized leader in environmental, energy and municipal and land use law in New York. The firm represents all types of clients in environmental, energy and land use matters, ranging from international corporations to small businesses and individuals, providing assistance in day-to-day compliance, transactions, enforcement, project development, litigation and other matters. The firm also works closely with numerous municipalities and private clients, providing guidance on zoning, planning, governance and similar concerns. Its attorneys have decades of experience in private practice and State government, allowing them to understand the challenges facing all types of clients. Their knowledge and skill puts them at the forefront of their fields, allowing them to deliver timely, comprehensive and cost-effective advice.
Main Areas of Practice:
Energy Law:
■ Renewable Energy Law: Wind project and solar siting, permitting and approval; climate change policy and energy storage and hydrogen; State and municipal review of alternative energy projects; litigation
■ Power, Energy & Transmission Law: Conventional generation; hydroelectric power, including facility acquisition; environmental review; natural gas contracts, transmission and distribution; pipeline regulation; permitting; power sales contracts; ratemaking and proceedings before Public Service Commission
Key Clients: International and national wind and solar energy developers; hydroelectric dam operators; individual and large scale wind and solar energy developers/purchasers and energy storage developers.
Contact: James Muscato II
Tel: 518 438 9907 ext. 243
Email: [email protected]
Municipal & Land Use Law:
■ Zoning & Land Use: Special use permit; site plan and subdivision approval; use and area variances; non-conforming use determinations; requests for interpretation of zoning laws; adoption and authorization of zoning laws; municipal zoning and planning counsel; New York City ULURP; litigation, including Article 78 proceedings
■ Municipal Law: Formation and management of improvement districts, including water and sewer; municipal consolidation; sustainable community planning; drafting local laws; SEQRA compliance; lease negotiations; comprehensive planning; and litigation, including Article 78 proceedings
Key Clients: Cities, towns and villages (as municipal or planning board attorney or special counsel); residential, commercial and industrial property developers; citizens groups.
Contact: Robert Panasci
Tel: 518 438 9907 ext. 251
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Allyson Phillips
Tel: 518 438 9907 ext. 257
Email: [email protected]
Telecommunications Law:
■ Telecommunications: Permitting of wireless communication facilities; land acquisition and leasing relating to wireless communication facilities; environmental review of facility siting; negotiation of lease agreements; litigation
Key Clients: International and national wind energy developers; hydroelectric dam operators; individual and large scale solar energy developers/purchasers; national telecommunications company.
Contact: David Brennan
Tel: 518 438 9907 ext. 224
Email: [email protected]
Environmental Law:
■ Permitting & Environmental Review: Environmental permitting; National Environmental Policy Act; State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA); City Environmental Quality Review; Article 78 actions arising under SEQRA; New York State and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers wetland permits; permit-related administrative and civil actions
■ Petroleum & Chemical Bulk Storage Compliance & Spills: Petroleum and chemical bulk storage compliance; spill prevention control and countermeasures plan preparation and compliance; community right-to-know reporting; oil and chemical spill reporting; enforcement
■ Pollution Management & Compliance: Superfund negotiation and litigation, environmental compliance audits; environmental management, including development of environmental procedures; hazardous waste; solid waste; PCBs; mercury; pesticides; enforcement
■ Brownfield Redevelopment, Cleanup & Asbestos Law: Redevelopment of contaminated properties; oil spills and state Navigation Law sites; federal/State Superfund cleanups; oversight of Phase I and Phase II audits; insurance coverage issues; asbestos removal and handling; cost recovery actions; natural resource damages
■ Wastewater Discharge Law: National/State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits; pretreatment permits; stormwater general permit compliance; administrative proceedings; citizen suit defense; enforcement
■ Air Quality: Air operating permits, including Title V permitting; prevention of significant deterioration and nonattainment new source review; federal and New York State air pollution control standards; day-to-day air compliance; climate change; enforcement; citizen suit defense
Key Clients: National, regional and local petroleum distribution companies; regional retail gasoline station chains; international and national companies with multiple facilities and sites in New York; hazardous waste incinerator/lightweight aggregate production facility; aluminum coating and anodizing company; scrap metal, used oil and other recycling companies; food processing companies; major property developers with brownfield redevelopment interests; municipalities constructing wastewater treatment facilities.
Contact: Kevin M Young
Tel: 518 438 9907 ext. 225
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Dean Sommer
Tel: 518 438 9907 ext. 236
Email: [email protected]
Ranked Offices
Provided by Young/Sommer LLC
- AlbanyExecutive Woods, 5 Palisades Drive, Albany, New York, USA, NY 12205
- Web: www.youngsommer.com
- Tel: +1 518 438 9907
- Fax: +1 518 438 9914
Young/Sommer LLC rankings