Firm Profile

Wexler Boley & Elgersma LLP

USA: Spotlight Guide 2025

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USA: Spotlight

Wexler Boley & Elgersma LLP

Wexler Boley & Elgersma LLP

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Provided by Wexler Boley & Elgersma LLP
Spotlight Illinois

Firm Details:

Managing Partner: Kenneth A. Wexler

Office: Chicago, IL

Firm Overview:

Wexler Boley & Elgersma LLP is nationally recognised for its work in complex class action and multidistrict litigation, with a focus on antitrust and consumer protection. Since its founding in 2000, WBE has pursued significant high-stakes litigation—often against some of the largest corporations represented by the largest law firms in the country. Through this work, WBE has helped shape the law and continues to pave the way for future successes for those aggrieved by fraud, antitrust violations, unfair competition, and other types of unlawful conduct. WBE frequently serves as Co-Lead Counsel and in other leadership roles, and the firm has been recognised by peers and legal organisations for its outstanding level of service and commitment.

Main Areas of Practice:

Antitrust Litigation:

WBE has been a leader in private antitrust enforcement, bringing a wide variety of class action cases to state and federal courts, where the firm has played a pivotal role in holding corporations accountable for anti-competitive practices. The firm’s expertise spans numerous industries, from pharmaceuticals to technology, ensuring that markets remain fair and competitive. By successfully challenging monopolistic behaviours, price-fixing schemes, and other forms of antitrust violations, WBE has not only secured significant financial recoveries for affected consumers and businesses but has also contributed to the development of antitrust jurisprudence. Their relentless pursuit of justice in these complex cases has solidified WBE’s reputation as a formidable advocate for economic fairness and integrity.

Business & Commercial Litigation:

WBE represents businesses throughout the country in complex commercial litigation, handling a diverse range of cases that span from breach of contract claims to intricate business torts. With a deep understanding of the multifaceted challenges faced by companies in today’s competitive landscape, the firm is equipped to navigate the complexities of disputes involving unfair business practices, trade secret misappropriation, fiduciary duty breaches, and other critical issues. Whether advocating for large corporations or small enterprises, WBE is committed to delivering strategic, results-oriented representation for its clients.

Securities & Corporate Governance:

WBE has committed substantial resources to its Securities & Corporate Governance practice, dedicated to assisting pension plans, government entities, and other stakeholders in recovering lost assets. By leveraging their deep expertise in securities litigation, the firm has successfully pursued claims on behalf of clients who have suffered financial losses due to corporate misconduct, fraud, or breaches of fiduciary duty.

Healthcare Litigation:

WBE is at the forefront of healthcare litigation nationwide, leading actions that challenge a broad spectrum of fraudulent and unfair practices within the healthcare industry that contribute to escalating costs for consumers and public entities. The firm’s attorneys are deeply engaged in exposing and litigating against deceptive practices that distort the market and drive up the cost of essential medical services and pharmaceuticals. WBE’s comprehensive approach includes representing patients, healthcare providers, and governmental bodies, all of whom are adversely affected by these unethical practices. By holding powerful industry players accountable, WBE aims not only to secure financial redress for those harmed but also to promote greater transparency and fairness in the healthcare sector.

Consumer Protection:

WBE vigorously prosecutes consumer protection claims on behalf of both businesses and individuals in state and federal courts across the country. Whether representing individuals who have been misled by unscrupulous companies or businesses that have suffered due to unfair competition, WBE’s attorneys bring a wealth of experience and a strong commitment to justice, which has earned the firm a reputation as a powerful advocate for consumer rights.

Whistleblower False Claims Litigation:

WBE is steadfast in its commitment to holding companies and individuals accountable for actions involving fraud against the government, representing courageous whistleblowers who step forward to expose these wrongdoings. WBE’s whistleblower and False Claims practice is dedicated to uncovering and prosecuting fraudulent activities, such as false billing, misrepresentation of services, and other deceptive practices that lead to the misuse of taxpayer funds.

Government Representation:

WBE is committed to pursuing justice on behalf of governmental entities and provides dedicated representation for governments that fall victim to securities and healthcare fraud, focusing on recovering the funds that have been wrongfully taken. The firm works tirelessly to unravel complex financial transactions and corporate misdeeds, seeking to hold wrongdoers accountable and recover misappropriated funds to restore financial stability.

Employment Litigation:

WBE is dedicated to achieving settlements that not only address immediate concerns but also foster long-term improvements in working conditions and expand opportunities for employees. This includes implementing policy reforms, enhancing workplace safety, and promoting equitable practices that contribute to a more inclusive and supportive work environment.

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Provided by Wexler Boley & Elgersma LLP

USA - Head office

Wexler Boley & Elgersma LLP rankings

USA: Spotlight Guide 2025
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Litigation: General Commercial
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Litigation: General Commercial
Litigation: General Commercial