Managing Partners: Josef Donát, Martin Janoušek, Michal Nulíček, Miloš Olík, Vilém Podešva
Salary Partners: Lukáš Duffek, Jan Frey, Vladimír Hejduk, Marcela Káňová, Jan Měkota, Lukáš Sommer, Martin Šubrt, Jan Tomíšek, Jiří Votrubec
Number of Partners: 14
Number of Lawyers: 90
Offices: Prague, Brno
Languages: Czech, Slovak, English, German, Spanish, French, Russian
International Network: MULTILAW, Horizons Alliance
Firm Overview:
ROWAN LEGAL was founded in 1990 and can now is one of the leading Czech law firms with over 30 years of experience. The firm’s clients include some of the largest national and international corporations and public institutions, to which it provides comprehensive legal support on key projects. They always put the clients first and are known for their in-depth understanding of clients' businesses, including the complex technical aspects. Moreover, they always try to be a real business partner to each client and to make each piece of our advice business-oriented. ROWAN LEGAL is the exclusive member of MULTILAW for the Czech Republic and Horizons Alliance.
Main Areas of Practice:
- Administrative procedure
- Arbitration
- Banking and Finance Law
- Commercial and Consumer Law
- Competition Law
- Corporate Law, M&A
- Criminal Law
- Energy, water and waste disposal
- ICT and Technology Projects
- Insolvency and Restructuring Law
- Intellectual Property
- Labor Law
- Litigation
- Public Procurement Advisory
- Privacy and Data Protection
- Real estate and Construction
- Tax
- Transportation and Logistics
Banking & Finance:
ROWAN LEGAL is sought-after partner both for traditional issues (preparation of credit documentation, representation before the CNB, etc.) and in connection with non-traditional/innovative projects (product digitisation, PSD2 services, etc.) requiring deep knowledge, sectoral regulation.
Key Clients: Česká spořitelna (Erste group), ČSOB (KBC group), KB (Société Générale), Unicredit bank, Banking identity project, CBCB, VIG, Raiffeisenbank
Contact: Josef Donát, [email protected]
Corporate Law, Mergers & Acquisitions:
ROWAN LEGAL provides comprehensive legal advice in the field of M&A. The firm works with clients across industries, and the lawyers have experience from the largest transactions on the market.
Key Clients: Energetický a průmyslový holding, CENTRAL EUROPE INDUSTRY PARTNERS, Thein Investments, Severočeská vodárenská společnost, Invia Group SE
Contact: Jan Frey, [email protected]
Compliance & Regulatory:
ROWAN LEGAL is one of the key players in area compliance and is a reliable partner to clients in every aspect of compliance with special focus on the optimal setting of internal processes, prevention and management of risks and preparation for inspections by supervisory authorities.
Key Clients: CBCB, UP Česká republika, Aures Holding, CSL Behring, E.ON Group, Škoda Auto Digilab (VW Group)
Contact: Michal Nulíček, [email protected]
Competition Law:
ROWAN LEGAL provides full legal services in the areas of Czech and EU competition law. Besides usual day-to-day competition law advice the lawyers provide full competition law support, including advice on both horizontal and vertical agreements, subcontracting relations and related representations in administration and court proceedings.
Key Clients: Ministry of Industry and Trade Czech Republic, EGEM, O2 Czech Republic, Heureka Group, Severočeská vodárenská společnost
Contact: Vilém Podešva, [email protected]
Privacy & Data Protection:
ROWAN LEGAL provides clients with advice in all areas related to the processing of personal data and privacy, it helps them set up internal processes and rules, including procedures for dealing with data leaks and requests for individuals to exercise their rights.
Key Clients: O2 Czech Republic, T-Mobile Czech Republic, Škoda Auto Digilab (VW Group), Vienna Insurance Group, E.ON Group
Contact: Michal Nulíček, [email protected]
Dispute Resolution & Arbitration:
ROWAN LEGAL has one of the biggest dispute resolution team in Czech Republic and closely focus on legal advisory in national and international disputes involving billions of CZK. Miloš Olík, head of the dispute resolution desk at ROWAN LEGAL, is ViceChairman of the ICC Czech Republic and active as an arbitrator, including investor-state claims under the ICSID rules.
Key Clients: City of Prague, O2 Czech Republic, Heureka Group, Diamo, NESS Czech
Contact: Miloš Olík, [email protected]
Intellectual Property:
ROWAN LEGAL has the cutting-edge knowledge in the field of technology, thanks to that it provides clients with support in the preparation phase of software development or new technologies, helps them with the implementation of open source software and optimise licence conditions according to their needs.
Key Clients: SAP, JetBrains, Škoda Auto Digilab (VW Group), Livesport News, Banking Identity Project, Ministry of Interior of Czech Republic
Contact: Josef Donát, [email protected]
ICT Law, Telecommunications & Media:
ROWAN LEGAL’s lawyers are leading experts in IT law in the Czech Republic. Thanks to the complexity of the services they provide, they support both suppliers and customers of information and communication technologies and are also actively participating in the digital transformation of the public and private sectors in the Czech Republic through creation of new legislation and interpretative opinions.
Key Clients: O2 Czech Republic, T-Mobile Czech Republic, SAP, GasNet
Contact: Josef Donát, [email protected]
Public Procurement, Projects & Energy:
ROWAN LEGAL has a very strong and stable team of experienced experts with decades of practice in the field of public procurement. The team is recognised for its many years of expertise in the area of governmental investments, and the firm has even significantly increased its engagement in the utilities sector (in particular energy, water and transport) in the recent past.
Key Clients: City of Prague, Severočeská vodárenská společnost, E.ON, Prague Public Transit Company, AVE CZ, Diamo
Contact: Vilém Podešva, [email protected]
Ranked Offices
Provided by Rowan Legal
- PragueGEMINI Center, Na Pankráci 1683/127, Prague, Prague, Czech Republic, 140 00
- Web: www.rowan.legal
- Tel: +420 224 216 212
- Fax: +420 224 215 823
Rowan Legal rankings