Head of Chambers: Gavin Mansfield KC
Chambers Director: Liz Dux
Senior Clerk: Jason Drakeford
A/Cs Receivable Manager: Felicity Schneider
Tenants: 54
Littleton is a leading employment and commercial Chambers. The set’s highly regarded team of 54 barristers, including 17 silks, all provide exceptional advice and advocacy to clients.
Littleton members’ practices cover a wide spectrum of work in a number of jurisdictions, including: employment law; business protection (both statutory and High Court); commercial law, incorporating fraud, insolvency, financial services, banking, commercial contracts, share and business sale agreements, shareholder disputes, company and partnership law, disciplinary and regulatory; sports law; injunctions; and mediation and arbitration, civil investigations, international and offshore disputes.
Littleton funds two pupils per year. Chambers are members of the Pupillage Gateway. Littleton places great value not only on the legal skills of their pupils and tenants as advocates and lawyers, but also on their practical, friendly and responsive approach. Littleton welcomes candidates as pupils who, in addition to an excellent academic record, show a flair for advocacy and have strong interpersonal skills necessary to succeed at the modern-day Bar. Littleton also welcomes applications from established well-regarded, experienced and ambitious practitioners.
Littleton Chambers is committed to principles of equality, diversity and social mobility in its provision of legal services, its recruitment and in its internal management of both staff and members. The set’s barristers are committed to supporting schemes such as mentoring, visits to schools and sponsoring Bar schools with a higher representation of BAME and underrepresented students. Chambers is proud to participate in the Bar Placement Scheme and some of its members support the Bar Council e-mentoring scheme to aid those seeking to enter the profession who require assistance. Candidates for pupillage and recruitment are assessed solely on grounds of merit and Chambers welcomes applicants from all backgrounds and sectors of the community.
Littleton is one of the first few Chambers to work in conjunction with Rare, whose contextualised recruitment system is used by the set to review applicants for pupillage in respect of a candidate’s social economic background. Littleton is also proud to collaborate with projects to support underrepresented students access the Bar, including 10,000 Black Interns, Bridging the Bar and its own Inspire Sports Law Initiative. Such initiatives are all part of the set’s commitment to improve diversity at the Bar in the longer term and to ensure it is more reflective of the society we live in. Chambers understands that not every candidate’s achievements look the same on paper. At Littleton, the set’s aim is to recruit the best people from every background.
For more detailed CVs and information about members, pupillage, news, comments, case reports, webinars, podcasts and contributions to publications, please visit www.littletonchambers.com.
- Gavin Mansfield KC (1992) (Silk: 2013)
- Selwyn Bloch KC (1982) (Silk: 2000)
- David Reade KC (1983) (Silk: 2006)
- Paul Gilroy KC (1985) (Silk: 2006)
- Charles Samek KC (1989) (Silk: 2009)
- Daniel Tatton Brown KC (1994) (Silk: 2016)
- Jonathan Cohen KC (1999) (Silk: 2016)
- Adam Solomon KC (1998) (Silk: 2018)
- Louis Flannery KC (2020) (Silk: 2018)
- Mohinderpal Sethi KC (1996) (Silk: 2019)
- Dale Martin KC (1997) (Silk: 2019)
- Nicholas Siddall KC (1997) (Silk: 2019)
- Rupert D'Cruz KC (1989) (Silk: 2021)
- Carol Davis KC (1996) (Silk: 2021)
- Niran de Silva KC (1997) (Silk: 2021)
- Jeremy Lewis KC (1992) (Silk: 2022)
- Daniel Northall KC (2004) (Silk: 2024)
- Antony Sendall (1984)
- Sam Newman (1988)
- Andrew Maguire (1988)
- Lucy Bone (1999)
- Ming-Yee Shiu (2000)
- Matthew Sheridan (2000)
- James Wynne (2002)
- David Lascelles (2003)
- Martin Palmer (2003)
- Alexander Robson (2006)
- Charlotte Davies (2006)
- Lydia Banerjee (2007)
- James Bickford Smith (2008)
- Charlene Ashiru (2008)
- Nicholas Goodfellow (2009)
- Alexander Halban (2009)
- Benjamin Gray (2011)
- Mark Humphreys (2012)
- Sophia Berry (2012)
- Grahame Anderson (2013)
- Ashley Cukier (2013)
- Georgina Leadbetter (2013)
- Joseph Bryan (2015)
- Joel Wallace (2015)
- James Green (2015)
- Kieran Wilson (2016)
- Stuart Sanders (2017)
- Bianca Balmelli (2017)
- Georgina Churchhouse (2017)
- Alex Francis (2018)
- Blathnaid Breslin (2019)
- Tim Goodwin (2019)
- Alexander Bryant (2019) (BVI: 2024)
- Asfandyar Qureshi (2019)
- Sophie Cashell (2021)
- Alfie Lewis (2021)
- Amany Jabir (2023)
- Sir Michael Burton GBE (Call: 1970) (Silk: 1984)
- Chelva Rental Rajah SC (Call: 1972)
- Dr Matthieu de Boisseson (Call: 1978)
- Andrew Clarke KC (Call: 1980) (Silk: 1997)
- John J Kerr
- Dr Alan M. Anderson
- Prof. Anthony Daimsis
- Richard Perkoff (Call: 1971)
- Mark Lomas KC (Call: 1977) (Silk: 2003)
- John Bowers KC (Call: 1979) (Silk: 1998)
- Peter Trepte (Call: 1987)
- George Z. Georgiou (Call: 2000)
Ranked Offices
Provided by Littleton Chambers
- London3 King's Bench Walk North, Temple, London, Greater London, UK, EC4Y 7HR
- Web: www.littletonchambers.com
- Tel: (020) 7797 8600
- Fax: (020) 7797 8699/8697
- View ranked office
Littleton Chambers rankings