Firm Profile

Imran Muntaz & Co

Asia-Pacific Guide 2025

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Imran Muntaz & Co

Imran Muntaz & Co

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+62 21 2933 3800

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Provided by Imran Muntaz & Co

Imran Muntaz & Co. (IMCOLAW) is a law firm providing legal services that focus on a variety of corporate transactions. Since its establishment, the firm has been providing outstanding services to several clients. In time, as a result of its professionalism and ranked by international publishers.

Together with his partners Michael Cecio Bangun and Agniya Anggraeni, Imran Muntaz leads a team of energetic, vibrant associates who are highly capable of delivering legal services in the modern day of dynamic legal issues. Most of these young lawyers are graduated from reputable universities across Indonesia.

Armed with outstanding academic achievement and skills development resulting from continuous involvement in various legal cases, these lawyers bring about agility, accuracy and insights, all of which are important to providing reliable information and in-depth analysis that in turn would decisively determine whether the outcome of a case would work in favor of the clients' interests. .


We assist clients in areas of:

• Capital Markets & Securities.

• Corporate Commercial/Merger & Acquisitions

• Banking & Finance

• Energy & Natural Resources

• Commercial Dispute

Years of experience being in this areas allow us to believe that we are qualified to assist our clients whenever they intend to have legal transactions in relation to these areas in place.


We are committed to understand the needs of our clients, to persistently advocate their causes and to provide meticulous attention to all aspects in relation to their case, irrespective of both the size and complexity of the case we are dealing with. Simply put, we attempt to bring legal professionalism to a higher level of standard.


We strive to provide the kind of service that exceeds your expectations, preferably at the speed of service delivery that meets your time frame when you need us and when you need to have the cases resolved. As such, we humbly invite you to learn further about who we are, what we do, and all the accomplishments we are proud of.

Industry sector strengths:

Agriculture; Banks; Cement; Consumer goods and services; Corn starch; Digital Media; Energy; Financial services; Fintech; Fishery; Food & Beverages; Forestry; Healthcare; Investment Management; Mining; Natural Resources; Oil & Gas; Plantation; Real estate; Shipping; Technology and telecommunications; Textile; Tourism; and Transportation.

Ranked Offices

Provided by Imran Muntaz & Co

Indonesia - Head office

Imran Muntaz & Co rankings

Asia-Pacific Guide 2025
Capital Markets
1 Department
1 Ranked Lawyer
Capital Markets
Capital Markets
Band 4
Imran Muntaz
Imran Muntaz
Band 3