Firm Profile

Cabello y Cía Abogados Tributarios

Latin America Guide 2024

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Latin America

Cabello y Cía Abogados Tributarios

Cabello y Cía Abogados Tributarios

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Provided by Cabello y Cía Abogados Tributarios
Latin America
Number of partners: 2 (1 lawyer, 1 CPA)
Number of other lawyers: 5

Firm Overview:
Cabello & Cia. Abogados Tributarios provides advice regarding taxes, adapting its services to each clients’ requirements and necessities, aiming to achieve the optimisation of resources while complying with current regulations, delivering accurate, timely and creative answers.
The firm offers restructuring services, tax consultancy, representation before overseer bodies and law courts, issuance of legal reports, among others, both to individuals and companies.

Main Areas of Practice:
Corporate & Business:
Tax: 90%
Main Areas of Practice:
Tax Consultancy Services:

The firm’s tax consultancy practice answers the various questions that arise during the development of clients’ businesses. This includes a thorough revision of judicial and administrative jurisprudence, the elaboration of consultations before competent bodies, when necessary, as well as the identification of possible tax risks, contingencies and eventualities, delivering a quantification that enables clients to adopt the necessary decisions. The firm also structures and reviews contracts with customers, both in Chile and abroad to minimise tax consequences, especially regarding withholding tax.

Tax Restructuring:
The firm’s tax restructuring services aims to achieve an optimal management of clients’ businesses, focusing on the generation of potential tax impact when adopting managerial decisions as well as the tax treatment of corporate restructuring. Professionals work closely with the company’s administration to develop global strategies and efficient organisational structures, all from a tax point of view, both in big companies and family businesses. This also includes providing advice for individuals regarding their personal estates, to transfer their assets considering their unique requirements.

Administrative & Judicial Defence In Tax Issues:

The firm offers representation before the Chilean Internal Revenue Service when an audit is made as well as defence before the courts due to tax claims or compulsory tax payments.

Law Reports & Legal Opinions About Legal & Tax Matters:
The firm counts with professionals with important academic experience, issuing legal determinations in tax matters to present during legal procedures or to assist clients in their decision-making process.

Review of Tax Procedures:
The firm’s professionals have a vast experience reviewing tax procedures, providing their clients with solutions for any issues detected, all while complying with the current regulation.

English, Spanish.

Tax & Asset Restructuring:
Juan Pablo Cabello
Tax & Audit Management: Hernan Fuentes

Ranked Offices

Provided by Cabello y Cía Abogados Tributarios

Cabello y Cía Abogados Tributarios rankings

Latin America Guide 2024
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