
Provided by Yoon & Yang LLC

Yoon & Yang’s Tax Practice Group is comprised of more than 50 expert professionals (attorneys, CPAs, CTAs, customs attorneys, and advisers) to provide the highest quality comprehensive legal services for all areas of diverse and complex tax issues including tax compliance, general tax advice, tax audit, international taxation, and tax litigation and disputes. The Group’s clients vary from wealthy individuals for gift and inheritance tax matters, and government sectors for tax policy and administration matters through SMEs, multinational companies and large conglomerates of Korea for various domestic and international tax issues. The Group covers all industry areas, and the Group’s proven track records include the automotive and parts, electronics and parts, steel, infrastructure, real estate, energy, chemical and petrochemical, pharmaceuticals and life sciences, consumer goods, food and beverages, software, apparel, cosmetics, fibre, cryptocurrency, banking and finance, aviation and shipping, and media and entertainment.

Ranked Lawyers at
Yoon & Yang LLC

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South Korea


Seung Soon Lim
Seung Soon Lim
Senior Statespeople
Wankyu Jeon
Wankyu Jeon
Up and Coming


Provided by Yoon & Yang LLC

Irene Y. Kim

Jae Woong Jeong

Head of Department

Jeongsu Park

Jin Seok Lee

Jong Hwa Jung

Kyungjin Lee

Oh-Young Jeon

Yong Taek Kim


Provided by Yoon & Yang LLC

Hanhwa Solution Corp

Hydis Technologies Co., Ltd.

Hyundai Motors Company

Hyundai Motors Company Group

Hyundai Rotem Company

Korea Railroad

Korea Real Estate Investment & Trust

POSCO Holdings

Rolex Korea Limited

Samsung Life Insurance