Provided by WongPartnership LLP
Our International Arbitration Practice is one of the largest in the region, with capabilities in commercial, financial, and investor-state arbitrations seated anywhere in the world and under all major arbitration rules, including AIAC, CIETAC, DIAC, HKIAC, ICC, ICDR, ICSID, LCIA, SIAC and UNCITRAL.
We lead the pack in Asia’s top arbitration hub. Our lawyers have acted in some of the most significant arbitrations in the region, every single investor-state arbitration dispute to have come before the Singapore Courts, and recorded the first ever win for a Singapore law firm in an ICSID arbitration. We continue to shape tomorrow’s arbitration practice through key appointments in prominent organisations, arbitration courts, and thought leadership committees worldwide. These include key appointments in the Courts of the SIAC and ICC, the IBA Arbitration Committee, the IPBA Dispute Resolution and Arbitration Committee, the Editorial Board of the ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin and the ICCA-ASIL Task Force on Damages, CIArb Singapore, the YSIAC Committee; as well as Senior Accredited Specialists in Building and Construction Law by the Singapore Academy of Law.
We draw on the expertise and experience of our 60 strong arbitration team to conceptualise and develop effective and innovative strategies that are implemented with the highest standards. Our deep bench has seen us consistently ranked in every international legal journal.