Provided by VdA Vieira de Almeida
VdA provides a comprehensive range of services to companies and their investments in industries across the spectrum: from banks and telecoms, to IT, pharma, media, insurance, retail, food and infrastructures. The team are highly experienced and commercially savvy: our role starts with the planning, designing and structuring of transactions through to its implementation and completion. VdA advises on a wide-range of transactions, from the setting up of JVs and other strategic partnerships to corporate restructurings, privatisations, mergers and acquisitions, MBO, private equity and capital markets' transactions. We work closely with international and global firms and have a fierce international experience in Europe and as in Portuguese speaking countries, very often advising foreign clients active in the Portuguese market as well as domestic companies in their expansion to Europe and Portuguese-speaking countries. A combination with other complementary practices such as tax, employment, benefits, real estate or competition enables our team at VdA to deliver a business-oriented service to the client with a real competitive edge.
We excel at helping board members comply with applicable legal and statutory duties contained in new corporate governance codes. We help manage relationships between shareholders and between board members and shareholders, corporate growth restructurings as well as feasibility plans and the diagnosis of pre-contentious corporate issues.