Provided by Van Olmen & Wynant
Van Olmen & Wynant is a renowned expert in employment law covering the full spectrum of such matters, including in-depth expertise in . We have an important litigation practice in these areas, both before Belgian labour courts as before administrative courts.
Areas we cover, include:
- Individual employment law, including employment agreements, service agreements, individual dismissals, self-employment and discrimination;
- Collective labour law, including company restructuring, transfer of businesses, collective dismissals, outsourcing, collective bargaining agreements and complex employment issues connected with M&A;
- Compensation and benefits, including executive remuneration and benefits and international compensations schemes;
- International employment, including expatriation and secondments;
- European employment law;
- Social criminal law
- Social security;
- Internal policies and codes of conduct.
Van Olmen & Wynant is one of the driving forces behind L&E Global, a worldwide alliance of Employers’ Counsels, giving the firm a distinctive international dimension in employment law.
The Employment department is headed by Chris Van Olmen. Other partners are Nicolas Simon and Vincent Vuylsteke. Additional key names are Gautier Busschaert and Pieter Pecinovsky.