Provided by Torys LLP
Whether on a transaction, discrete tax matter or dispute, we bring sophisticated thinking and creative tax advice that progresses clients’ business objectives.
We know how to help clients avoid the problems that can stall a deal or impede its success. When a transaction is complicated by multijurisdictional cash, operations, financing opportunities and targets, we collaborate with clients to find creative solutions for the situation at hand.
A substantial portion of our work is multijurisdictional. With full-service tax capabilities in our Canadian and New York offices, we have regular exposure to evolving tax structures on both sides of the Canada-U.S. border, naturally facilitating effective cross-border counsel.
We have broad experience in dealing with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and all phases of tax controversy—from the planning and implementation of specific transactions to tax filings, audits, assessments, litigation and appeals.
In the audit process, we help clients develop sound disclosure strategies and marshal compelling advocacy and messaging. We also assist clients in the review of existing transactions and provide advice regarding the likelihood of success on audit. When assessments are issued, we help prepare notices of objection and submissions to relevant government authorities, as well as provide advice for statutory audits and, where necessary, we engage in litigation at all levels of court.