Provided by Tashko Pustina
This department is positioned as one of the leading practices in Albania with a significant experience. The firm addresses matters such as: incorporation of legal entities, shareholders' agreements, restructuring, M&A, spin-offs, restructuring, cross-border transactions, post-acquisition integration, legal, regulatory tax due diligences, competition and regulatory, concession & PPP projects, procurement, commercial agreements, financing & re-financing agreements & securities, syndicated loans.
The firm combines exceptional legal expertise with deep industry knowledge and creative thinking. The firm greatly benefits, and clients appreciate, the integration of the firm's tax experts in the practice.
Industries include: telecom, renewables, infrastructure, life-sciences & healthcare, hospitality & leisure, IT & IP, automotive, aviation, oil & gas.
The firm advises the largest fix telecom operator ALBtelecom in matters such as: commercial agreements, M&A, regulatory , interconnection, tax, IP, litigation, etc. The firm led the merger of ALBtelecom and mobile operator Eagle.
Since 2016, the firm has advised on day to day basis Spiecapag of Vinci Group in the construction of Trans-Adriatic-Pipeline.
Since 2007, the firm advises American Hospitals of Albania and Kosovo.
The firm advised 5 largest banks in the re-financing of a EUR 32 M syndicated loan.
In 2020, the firm through EBRD successfully advised Ministry of Energy on the auction design for the development of a 140 MW PV plant.