
Provided by SiqueiraCastro

SiqueiraCastro Advogados counts on specialized professionals and with practical experience with over 20 years in Environmental, Urban and Biodiversity Law. We believe that this engagement, added to the partnership model with the legal and technical teams of the clients, allow us to create customized solutions and completely oriented to each business demand.  

Besides that, we believe on the preventive action through specialized legal consulting, and a closer approximation between the legal and technical areas of the companies, to establish control measures and prevention of environmental liabilities. 

We also believe that the preventive action, through environmental legal consulting and legal and technical acting at administrative sphere, either on licensing or supervising administrative procedures and civil inquiries, are efficient ways to avoid judicialization of environmental issues. 

This is a huge differential in our Environmental practice. We believe and act on the administrative sphere, once we already had many successful on closing of civil investigation with no signature of Conduct Adjustment Term or filling of Public Civil Actions, significative penalty reductions of fines and cancelling of debt with merit analysis. 

Our geographic scope is unique in the Brazilian market. The firm is present in the main cities of Brazil, what gives us a comfortable access and qualified sponsorship with specialized lawyers in projects of Environmental Law across the country.

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Simone Paschoal Nogueira
Band 4


Provided by SiqueiraCastro

Iris Zimmer

Simone Paschoal Nogueira

Head of Department


Provided by SiqueiraCastro

Energy, Waste, Sanitation, Oil & Gas, Transport, Telecom, Construction, Industry, Agribusiness.