
Provided by Shakespeare Martineau

The team has a thriving general practice which works with clients in various sectors including logistics, manufacturing, insurance, food and drink, retail and transport.

We have broad insight into the issues that arise in these differing sectors, enabling us to tailor our advice accordingly and to help prevent issues from arising in the first place. Through our advisory services we know how to resolve contentious matters and how to defend employment tribunal claims most effectively if it comes to that.

Working closely with our education sector colleagues we are now the leading employment team in the UK in this thriving sector. The team continues to be entrusted with the most high profile and sensitive work, such as leading international collaborations between UK universities and partners overseas, large restructuring exercises and senior management departures.

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Shakespeare Martineau

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West Midlands


Michael Hibbs
Michael Hibbs
Band 4


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David Browne

Emma Oliver

Esther Maxwell

Ewan Carr

Helen Molloy

Matt McDonald

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Rhys Wyborn

Sandeep Leighs

Tom Long