Provided by Penkov, Markov & Partners
Dispute Resolution
PM&P’s litigation practice has a recognized presence on the Bulgarian legal market and is constantly expanding its market share and number and complexities of the cases it handles. The department is widely admired by clients for successfully covering commercial litigation, construction, arbitrations and litigations within the renewable energy sector, banking, labour, public procurement and tax disputes including such with cross-border aspects.
PMP represents more than 40 RES producers on active cases against Bulgarian State for reimbursement of unlawfully collected fees on the grounds of anti - constitutional legislation, the total value of cases being above EUR 5 mln., whereby from April 2020 onwards we have won more than 15 cases in a row at the final instance.
PM&P is also handling a complex and interconnected dispute against the construction supervision authorities and the chief architect of Sofia Municipality with relation to the cease of construction and the legality of the construction of the skyscraper Zlaten Vek in Lozenetz, Sofia, with a value of the project well above EUR 100 mln.
PM&P is also representing prominent international clients before ECJ - ECJ Case C-581/20 on the interpretation of Regulation (EU) 1215/2012, as well as in debt collection proceedings before Bulgarian courts and in e-fraud related cases against organized crime groups with value of the stolen funds of more than EUR 5,000,000.