Chambers Review

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Group Litigation - All Circuits

Band 2

What the Team is Known For

Matrix Chambers has a strong group litigation practice, particularly in cases pertaining to media, communications and data protection. Members of chambers are regularly instructed in major cases in the group litigation space. Recent examples of the work carried out by members of the set include a large class action against News Group Newspapers for alleged unlawful information gathering, and Various Claimants v British American Tobacco & Imperial Tobacco, a group claim bought by Malawian tobacco farmers against two tobacco companies concerning alleged abuse in their supply chains. One source notes: "They can quickly get on top of complex and novel legal arguments and advise accordingly."

Alison Scanes is the senior practice manager.


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Notable Practitioners

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Antony White KC
Antony White KC
Band 1

Antony White KC is highly regarded for his handling of a range of complex group litigation, often relating to data privacy. Among other notable achievements, he acted for the successful defendant in the Supreme Court case of Lloyd v Google.

Antony has a stellar reputation for group litigation.

Hugh Tomlinson KC
Band 2

Hugh Tomlinson KC is a distinguished silk who can boast a wealth of experience in challenging group litigation cases. He is known for his extensive work in data and privacy cases, and for his considerable knowledge concerning 'opt-out' representative actions.

The go-to for the top cases.

He is a true group action specialist.

Kate Boakes
Band 2

Kate Boakes has a strong group litigation practice which has seen her acting in very prominent claims including those with an international footprint. Boakes's cases often involve environmental and human rights issues.

Kate is one of the foremost juniors - absolutely brilliant, incredibly hard-working, very knowledgeable and very strong at drafting.

Kate is very intelligent and gets into the detail very quickly.

She has an incredible work ethic and judgement way beyond her years.

Ben Silverstone
Band 3

Ben Silverstone is a well-reputed barrister who acts in a markedly broad range of group action cases. He is often brought into cases concerning data privacy and human rights.

His written advocacy is excellent.

Ben is very good on anonymity and confidentiality.

Joanna Buckley
Band 4

Joanna Buckley is highly regarded for her role in the Dieselgate emissions litigation.

She is absolutely phenomenal.

Her written work is excellent.

Nicholas Gibson
Band 4

Nicholas Gibson is an experienced junior who specialises in competition collective actions. He currently acts for the class representative in the Trucks damages claim.

Nicholas is a barrister who can cut right through to the chase and sees exactly what is important. He is very effective, both on paper and on his feet.

Nick is an absolute force of nature. He's brilliant.

Edward Craven
Edward Craven
New Silks

Edward Craven is a leading public and human rights law barrister who has a significant group litigation practice. His career highlights in the field include representing Google in Richard Lloyd's landmark claim, and acting for large claimant groups in several African countries, concerning polluting or exploitative activities carried on by businesses.

He is great on the tricky points.

Edward is just fantastic - brilliant and lovely to work with.

He will give absolutely first-class attention.

Ranked Barristers at
Matrix Chambers

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Filter by

Silks (KC)

All Circuits

Group Litigation

Antony White KC
Antony White KC
Band 1
Hugh Tomlinson KC
Band 2
Edward Craven KC
Edward Craven KC
New Silks


All Circuits

Group Litigation

Kate Boakes
Band 2
Ben Silverstone
Band 3
Joanna Buckley
Band 4
Nicholas Gibson
Band 4