Provided by Machado, Meyer, Sendacz e Opice
Since its founding, Machado Meyer has had a well-respected practice in the Brazilian capital markets.
We participate in public offerings of shares and other securities, initial public offerings (IPOs), issuance of debt securities abroad, corporate restructuring, M&A transactions involving public companies, and going public and listing procedures. We also advise public companies on aspects of compliance with corporate law and the rules issued by regulatory authorities and self-regulatory organizations.
To properly manage the risks involved in all these operations, we rely on the advice of several practice areas such as tax, labor, regulatory, real estate, contracts, compliance, and litigation.
Our services in the capital markets area include:
- public offerings of shares, debentures, commercial papers, and other securities in Brazil;
- issuance of debt securities abroad;
- initial public offerings (IPOs);
- going public and listing processes, with registration as a public company with the Brazilian Securities Commission – CVM, and the listing of shares on BM&FBOVESPA;
- M&A transactions involving public companies;
- representation, advising, and defense in administrative proceedings before CVM and BM&FBOVESPA.
- corporate and capital market advisory services for clients interested in entering the Brazilian capital market;
- corporate restructuring, joint ventures and consortia involving public companies;
- intragroup restructuring; and
- repurchase of shares.