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Chambers Review

Provided by Chambers

Dispute Resolution: The Bar - Australia

Band 1

What the Team is Known For

List A Barristers is a leading Melbourne list, run from offices in Owen Dixon Chambers, and is highlighted for taking on hardcore, high-level commercial litigation, being regularly reported by interviewees to be one of the most prestigious lists in Victoria. This judgement is supported by the list's standout position in these rankings. Its more than 150 members, who advise and advocate on issues arising in Australian and many foreign jurisdictions, include one star of the Victorian Bar and many other highly regarded advocates offering cutting-edge expertise in, among others, the competition, construction, employment, insolvency, intellectual property and tax arenas. One source noted that they are the "preeminent list of Victorian Barristers." Deputy clerk Caroline Kaskani is a key contact.

Notable practitioners

Allan Myers KC continues to be identified as one of the most respected practitioners at the Victorian Bar in general and as one of Australia's pre-eminent appellate silks in particular, with sources emphasising his commercial astuteness and the weight his submissions carry with the Bench. In addition to his appearances on high-profile, high-stakes domestic litigation mandates, he has impressive knowledge of the international arbitration scene.

Neil Young KC has long been regarded as one of Australia's leading corporate silks, with expertise and experience spanning the widest range of practice areas, being particularly noted where corporations law, trade practices and taxation issues and matters before the Courts of Appeal are concerned.

Neil Young is an outstanding competition counsel.

Alice Muhlebach is an experienced handler of cases considered by the Australian Competition Tribunal, Federal Court and High Court, where she has acted both for and against the regulatory authorities. She also advises clients on criminal cartel, infrastructure access and merger clearance issues.

I find her to be absolutely excellent, commercial and friendly.

Andrew Barraclough is a talented barrister who has been highlighted for his skills in the area of competition law, for which he is highly regarded.


Andrew is a very prominent senior junior in competition law. He is a careful and strategic thinker.


He is an excellent competition lawyer and has substantial litigation experience in the competition space.

Herman Borenstein KC offers long-established expertise covering the full spectrum of Australian employment, industrial relations and discrimination law, and is an experienced handler of cases at Federal and High Court level. He also practises in the areas of constitutional law and human rights, and offers experience of interaction with government inquiries and Royal Commissions.
Jeffrey Gleeson KC commands immense respect in the construction law field. He is also active in insurance and sports law and, in addition to his litigation work, he is an accomplished arbitration counsel and arbitrator.

The undisputed leading construction silk in Australia is Jeffery Gleeson KC.

John de Wijn KC maintains a highly specialised, revenue-focussed practice, covering both Federal and state taxes, stamp duty and superannuation, and conducted on behalf of both the ATO and prominent private sector clients.

Wendy Harris KC is particularly well-known for her handling of matters in the banking and finance and insurance spheres, her prominence in the securities class action space, and her very busy appellate practice.

Carl Möller SC is regularly identified by interviewees as a true corporate insolvency specialist at the Victorian Bar and is noted for both practising and teaching in this area.
Caryn van Proctor has a large and varied practice, which extends across several areas, including consumer protection, intellectual property and taxation, and incorporates litigation experience reaching to High Court level.
Daniel McInerney KC is a highly respected tax specialist with a high profile on the Victorian legal scene. He has been dedicated to taxation issues in both the public and private sectors throughout his career, and he advises on the full range of both Commonwealth and state taxes and offers particularly noted expertise in complex structuring, transfer pricing and Part IVA issues.

Jennifer Batrouney KC has practised at the Bar for some 30 years, accumulating in that time experience across the full spectrum of tax work and focusing particularly strongly on income tax, GST and superannuation issues. She is active on behalf of both corporate and public sector bodies - the latter at both state and Commonwealth levels - and she also specialises in advising charitable bodies on their own taxation concerns.

Marc Felman KC maintains a specialisation in employment, industrial relations and discrimination law which he developed during his days as a solicitor, and applies his expertise on behalf of employers, employees and a variety of state and Commonwealth government bodies. He offers particularly extensive experience in the handling of employment or industrial relations issues arising in the construction sphere.
Matthew Collins KC stands out for his expertise in the defamation space, where he is well reputed for his strong track record advising on high-profile disputes. He also acts prominently on financial services and information technology-related issues and on matters of constitutional law.

Matthew Collins provides a masterclass in advocacy. He understands the judges so well and is really good with witnesses.


Matt Collins is really excellent silk and is leading in the defamation space.

Michael Borsky KC maintains a varied and versatile practice, handling both first-instance and appellate matters up to and including High Court level and representing both government agencies and parties under investigation in regulatory proceedings. He enjoys a particularly strong reputation in the competition sphere.
Nicholas Hopkins KC maintains a broad commercial practice within which construction matters feature with significant frequency for sources to identify him as one of the leading practitioners in that space at the Victorian Bar. He offers extensive state and Commonwealth superior court experience and is also a noted arbitration counsel and arbitrator.
Nicholas Pane KC focuses principally on construction law issues. He is particularly experienced in the handling of disputes arising from energy and resources or transport infrastructure projects and thoroughly conversant with a variety of alternative dispute resolution methods, including international arbitration.
Oren Bigos KC is acknowledged for his expertise in insolvency law, and his high level of activity in that sphere is coupled with considerable academic distinction. He is experienced in handling matters arising from some of Australia's largest corporate collapses, and he often appears in state Supreme, Federal and High Court proceedings.

Raini Zambelli is well-regarded in the insolvency sphere. Her domestic caseload is informed by extensive experience of insolvency-related litigation in numerous foreign jurisdictions and by time spent as an in-house counsel in the financial services sector.

Terry Murphy KC acts on behalf of both taxpayers and tax authorities, bringing more than 30 years' experience to his work.

Ranked Barristers at
List A Barristers

Provided by Chambers
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Silks (KC)


Competition/Antitrust: The Bar

Neil Young KC
Band 1
Michael Borsky KC
Band 2
Construction & Infrastructure: The Bar

Jeffrey J Gleeson KC
Band 1
Nicholas Hopkins KC
Band 2
Nicholas Pane KC
Band 2
Dispute Resolution: The Bar

Allan Myers KC
Senior Statespeople
Neil Young KC
Star Individuals
Wendy A Harris KC
Band 1
Matthew Collins KC
Band 2
Michael Borsky KC
Band 3
Employment: The Bar

Herman Borenstein KC
Band 1
Marc Felman KC
Band 2
Restructuring/Insolvency: The Bar

Carl Möller SC
Band 2
Oren Bigos KC
Band 2
Tax: The Bar

John W de Wijn KC
Band 1
Daniel McInerney KC
Band 2
Jennifer Batrouney KC
Band 2
Terry Murphy KC
Band 2



Competition/Antitrust: The Bar

Alice Muhlebach
Band 1
Andrew Barraclough
Band 1
20 of 22 results