
Provided by Levant Law Practice

Arbitration and Litigation 

LLP has a strong and diverse litigation and arbitration practice. The firm’s arbitration and litigation team has produced exceptional results of national and international importance, representing clients as plaintiffs or as defendants in a wide range of substantive areas including international criminal trials, local and cross border commercial disputes, international arbitration, bankruptcy, mergers and acquisitions, intellectual property and media, employment, tax disputes and professional liability cases.

Public and Administrative

LLP advised many public and semi-public institutions and represented them before the Council of State in litigation arising from their relations with third parties. The firm has also represented clients before the Constitutional Council to challenge the results of some parliamentary elections, as well as the legality of certain laws. LLP also advises clients on matters related to international public law and international treaties.

Ranked Lawyers at
Levant Law Practice

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Dispute Resolution

Mohammad Mattar
Mohammad Mattar
Head of Dispute Resolution
Band 2


Provided by Levant Law Practice

Abbas Skeine

Dany Kamouh

Mansour Bou Sader

Head of Department

Mohammad Mattar

Mohammad Mattar

Head of Department

Rafic Mouawad

Selim Eid

Tony Abou Antoun


Provided by Levant Law Practice

Daikin Europe N.V and another sister company

Dr. Henri Chaoul

Electricity Distribution Company

Gulf Corporate Entity

Liberty Global Logistics

Ministry of Economy and Commerce

Special Tribunal for Lebanon – Participating Victims Team

Telecom Regulatory Authority

U.S. Treasury/OFAC

ZR Energy DMCC


Provided by Levant Law Practice

Arbitration and Litigation

Public and Administrative