Provided by Hogan Lovells
Our firm has traditionally represented both lenders and borrowers. On the lenders side, we have and are currently representing foreign lenders as Banco Santander (España), China Development Bank, Rabobank, Credit Agricole, BNP Paribas, the Inter-American Investment Corporation and also local lenders as Banorte, Banco Bansí, Banco Base and Banca Afirme. Regarding sub-sovereign financing we have actively represented several sponsors regarding infrastructure ESG projects and financings in the State of Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas. We are currently working with the City of Monterrey in a cutting edge ESG Project.
We represent alternative lenders such as funds and SOFOMs, including , MGM Innovan Capital, Becquerel Capital, Alloy Merchant Finance, Greylock Capital, Tala Mobile and others.
We represent non-traditional players and FinTech companies. Our list of FinTech clients grew in 2021 with the addition of Bioxxico, Tokenise (UK based) among others.
René Arce Lozano is one of the most renowned sub-sovereign finance lawyers in Mexico and worked all 2021 with the IFC in a strategic integral overview project regarding sub-sovereigns.
Our firm combines the litigation and bankruptcy expertise when designing credit structures. We have a strong Bankruptcy & Restructuring Practice that is an inter-practice team between our Banking & Finance team and our Litigation team.
We consistently work with leading rating agencies in Mexico.