
Provided by GSK Stockmann

Assets and investments require a proper game plan.
Supported by expert advice.

The team at GSK Stockmann offers professional advice to clients who want to preserve or develop long-term potential in the funds industry and who require support with investment processes. Our client base on the offeror side is comprised of service providers including asset management companies and AIFM, asset managers, consultants, third-party distributors and other predominantly institutional investors such as banks, insurance companies and pension funds.

We have many years of experience and an in-depth understanding of the funds industry and the market players involved. Our expertise in the fields of regulatory, taxes and product structuring in Germany and Luxembourg – two highly important markets for funds – enables us to focus on the essentials and offer you extremely targeted advice and support.

Our lawyers and tax experts understand the challenges of the funds industry from more than just the legal and tax perspectives. We take an integrated and comprehensive approach, focussing in equal measure on the practical perspective of market players. Your goals are our benchmark – your perspective.

Chambers Review

Provided by Chambers

Investment Funds - Germany

Band 4

What the Team is Known For

GSK Stockmann is an experienced team with good coverage of investment law mandates and a focus on advising German investment companies and asset managers, particularly from the real estate sector. The law firm is well versed in setting up AIFs and debt funds, handling large portfolio transactions and providing comprehensive ESG advice. The team's expertise includes tax, insurance supervisory law and due diligence, the latest regulatory requirements and BaFin approval procedures. GSK Stockmann regularly works closely with its Luxembourg office, enhancing the firm's cross-border capabilities.

Notable practitioners

Robert Kramer is a key contact for clients.

Wofür das Team bekannt ist

GSK Stockmann ist ein erfahrenes Team mit einer guten Abdeckung von investmentrechtlichen Mandaten und einem Fokus auf die Beratung deutscher Investmentgesellschaften und Asset Manager, insbesondere aus dem Immobiliensektor. Die Kanzlei ist versiert in der Auflegung von AIF und Debt Funds, der Abwicklung großer Portfoliotransaktionen und der umfassenden ESG-Beratung. Die Expertise des Teams umfasst Steuern, Versicherungsaufsichtsrecht und Due Diligence, die neuesten regulatorischen Anforderungen und Genehmigungsverfahren der BaFin. GSK Stockmann arbeitet regelmäßig eng mit dem luxemburgischen Büro zusammen, um die grenzüberschreitende Leistungsfähigkeit der Kanzlei zu stärken.

Bemerkenswerte Praktiker

Robert Kramer ist ein wichtiger Ansprechpartner für Kunden.

Work Highlights

Provided by GSK Stockmann

  • GSK Stockmann assisted AIF Kapitalverwaltungs with the launch of a closed-ended real estate AIF.

  • GSK Stockmann hat die AIF Kapitalverwaltungs bei der Auflage eines geschlossenen Immobilien-AIF begleitet.


Provided by GSK Stockmann