
Provided by Fasken

Companies of all sizes are innovating and creating new technology to streamline their businesses and user experience. Fasken lawyers are fluent in the sector’s language and can provide advice related to companies at any stage of business. The race to succeed in this sector involves agility and creativity as much as it does realism; we provide clients with support at both ends of the spectrum.

Considered a “go-to” law firm for international tech companies expanding their operations or making acquisition in Canada and the foreign venture capital firms investing in Canadian tech companies, Fasken’s clients depend on us for advice in many areas.

We work with clients ranging from the most active and respected start-up and emerging tech practices to Fortune 500 companies. On the public side, we represent governments and public institutions bringing you a deep understanding of all the various levels stakeholders in this ever changing sector. 

We know that while many of our clients in the financial, technology and communications sector are investing in internal innovation labs, your needs and appetite for acquiring external innovation remain strong. Fasken can be more than your legal counsel. We can act as your networking hub, using our significant experience in acting for sellers and buyers of technology and communications, to make smart introductions for potential acquisition, financing and/or general business purposes.

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Telecommunications & Broadcasting

Leslie Milton
Leslie Milton
Band 1
Jay Kerr-Wilson
Jay Kerr-Wilson
Band 3
Scott Prescott
Scott Prescott
Band 3
Barbara Miller
Barbara Miller
Band 4