Provided by Esguerra JHR
Esguerra JHR has a vast experience in dispute resolution, representing both plaintiffs and defendants in numerous cases before national courts in different jurisdictions, as well as national and international arbitral tribunals.
The dispute resolution team’s history goes back to over thirty years, even before the four partners joined together in Esguerra. In the 90s, Mr. Esguerra and Mr. Piquero together successfully defended the Colombian Government in the over 800 lawsuits brought by those affected by the Volcán Nevado del Ruiz eruption in November, 1985. During that time, and before joining the firm, Mr. Miranda and Mr. Jaramillo leaded an unparalleled antitrust practice since which they have participated in the most important antitrust litigations in Colombia.
The firm has developed a special working method to gain maximum leverage of every area of expertise combined with a procedural strategy designed for every particular case, prioritizing the technical and financial aspects of the cases and a deep knowledge of the economic sector and the applicable regulation. Furthermore, we accomplish a thorough risk analysis of the particular dispute and set mitigation measures.