Provided by DLA Piper LLP
The capital markets team of DLA Piper in Austriaadvises on all types of capital markets transactions, ranging from equity and debtissues to capital markets related corporate/M&A work. The firm's global reachfacilitates multi-jurisdictional projects and enables the team to implementpioneering capital markets transactions, including e.g. multiple listings inVienna and other financial markets such as Warsaw or Frankfurt.
The Austrian capital markets practice hasbeen an integrated part of the firm's corporate practice for many years andcapital markets practices head, Partner Christian Temmel, is one of the leadingcapital markets lawyers in Austria. He is regularly recommended by clients andpeers alike and has developed multiple innovative and often ground breakingcorporate finance instruments together with clients and in close cooperationwith the Vienna Stock Exchange (VSE) respectively the Austrian FinancialMarkets Authority (FMA).
The Austrian team's core areas of capital markets advice include:
- IPOs and SPOs
- Follow-on share offerings and rights offerings
- Cross-border securities offerings
- On-going reporting and compliance advice
- Other public equity transactions, pre-IPO financings and convertible bond offerings
- Structured and project bonds
- Derivatives
- Portfolio asset sales
- Securitisations
- Collateralised loan obligations
- Corporate governance
- Financial regulatory compliance