
Provided by Dentons

Dentons’ Capital Markets practice covers all legal aspects related to the raising of capital in international capital markets.

Our lawyers aim to provide you with the highest standard of service—including advising on all phases of capital market transactions, such as:

  • IPOs/SPOs at international stock exchanges
  • Securities prospectus drafting
  • Coordinating and conducting the legal due diligence
  • Pre-IPO restructuring: advice on how to structure the corporate group ahead of the IPO
  • Corporate governance requirements as well as compliance and post listing obligations
  • Employee participation programs
  • Corporate bonds
  • Eurobonds, high yield bonds, convertible and exchangeable bonds as well as medium-term note programs
  • Public takeovers
  • Advice in connection with the issuance of structured products
  • Advice on crowdinvesting and crowdlending platforms
  • Capital market litigation
  • Capital market restructuring

Our services also encompass the regulatory compliance of capital market transactions and their structuring, e.g. with regard to the eligibility of financial instruments for committed assets of insurances and by investment funds. We gladly support you in implementing new regulatory requirements in the framework of product design, disclosure and by accompanying regulatory change projects.

Chambers Review

Provided by Chambers

Capital Markets: Structured Finance - Germany

Band 2

What the Team is Known For

Dentons offers a strong practice with particular recognition for its structured finance work. The team regularly advises a diverse clientele of German and international financial institutions on securitisation matters including ABCP programmes as well as trade and lease receivables transactions. With its strong regulatory capabilities, the team is well equipped to advise on complex investment structuring and novel financing platforms. Thanks to its international network of offices, Dentons is well placed to advise on multi-jurisdictional mandates.

Wofür das Team bekannt ist

Dentons bietet eine starke Praxis, die insbesondere für ihre Arbeit im Bereich strukturierter Finanzierungen bekannt ist. Das Team berät regelmäßig eine vielfältige Klientel deutscher und internationaler Finanzinstitute in Verbriefungsfragen, einschließlich ABCP-Programmen sowie Transaktionen mit Handels- und Leasingforderungen. Mit seinen starken regulatorischen Fähigkeiten ist das Team gut gerüstet, um bei komplexen Investitionsstrukturierungen und neuartigen Finanzierungsplattformen zu beraten. Dank ihres internationalen Büronetzwerks ist Dentons gut aufgestellt, um bei multijurisdiktionalen Mandaten zu beraten.

Work Highlights

Provided by Dentons

  • Dentons advised Pliant on the establishment of a structure for the refinancing of credit card receivables.

  • Dentons beriet Pliant beim Aufbau einer Struktur zur Refinanzierung von Kreditkartenforderungen.


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Notable Practitioners

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Arne Klüwer
Arne Klüwer
Band 2

As the head of Dentons' European structured finance practice, Arne Klüwer is praised for his experience in a broad array of matters, including the setting up of ABCP programmes, lease and trade receivables transactions, updates on ISDA arrangements and STS compliance.

Arne Klüwer provides high competence, great proactivity and thinks outside the box.

Arne Klüwer is commercial, active on all fronts and very supportive.

Als Leiter der europäischen Structured Finance-Praxis von Dentons wird Arne Klüwer für seine Erfahrung in einem breiten Spektrum von Angelegenheiten gelobt, darunter die Einrichtung von ABCP-Programmen, Leasing- und Forderungstransaktionen aus Lieferungen und Leistungen, Updates zu ISDA-Vereinbarungen und STS-Compliance.

Arne Klüwer bietet hohe Kompetenz, große Proaktivität und schaut über den Tellerrand hinaus.

Arne Klüwer ist kommerziell, an allen Fronten aktiv und sehr unterstützend.

Oliver Dreher
Oliver Dreher
Band 3

Oliver Dreher is a trusted adviser due to his longstanding coverage of the DCM market. He has a strong focus on promissory note transactions, including ESG-linked Schuldschein placements, while also advising on CP and MTN programmes.

Oliver Dreher ist aufgrund seiner langjährigen Berichterstattung über den DCM-Markt ein vertrauenswürdiger Berater. Er hat einen starken Fokus auf Schuldscheintransaktionen, einschließlich ESG-linked Schuldscheinplatzierungen, und berät auch bei CP- und MTN-Programmen.

Ranked Lawyers at

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Capital Markets: Debt

Oliver Dreher
Oliver Dreher
Band 3
Capital Markets: Structured Finance

Arne Klüwer
Arne Klüwer
Band 2


Provided by Dentons

Matthias Eggert