Provided by Bullard Falla Ezcurra+
The firm’s expertise in Competition/Antitrust is especially renowned in the legal market by its economic approach. Partners and associates not only have a vast knowledge of legal matters involving these matters but a deep understanding of antitrust economics. Such an approach gives the firm a significant advantage over other law firms, becoming essential in proceedings regarding market definition, anticompetitive benefits calculation, econometric analysis, etc. Bullard Falla Ezcurra + is the only firm in Peru that has an economist specialized in antitrust and economic regulation as part of their legal team.
The Firm is also known for combining our professional practice with academic activity. Yearly, we organize academic events with international speakers on trending topics on regulation and competition. Since 2015, we also organize with Universidad del Pacífico (Peru) an annual MOOT court competition on antitrust issues targeting students from law and economic faculties as well as young lawyers. This year, 162 students in 31 teams from 8 different countries in Latin America and Europe (Peru, Spain, Colombia, Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Guatemala y Paraguay) participated, as well as 176 judges, renowned international lawyers and economists, from more than 15 nations (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, USA, El Salvador, Spain, France, Guatemala, England, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Uruguay, Venezuela).