
Provided by Bracewell LLP

Bracewell’s climate change team provides senior corporate leadership with a unique array of integrated services that include policy development, advocacy before federal departments and agencies, litigation, congressional relations, media outreach and regulatory counseling. In addition to representing clients on traditional legal and regulatory matters, Bracewell works with key opinion leaders and policymakers to help shape the agenda on climate change – in Congress, in the Executive Branch, in the media and in the boardroom.

Attorneys help clients recognize, understand and deal with climate change challenges and opportunities that result from both day-to-day operations and strategic initiatives. Inside the boardroom, the firm’s lawyers help directors understand the effects of climate change and related legislation on the company’s operations, cost structures and growth plans. Bracewell assists senior management in developing appropriate strategies for risk mitigation and the pursuit of new opportunities, and the firm helps execute those strategies externally through strategic communications with the government and the public. In the commercial arena, Bracewell’s team of professionals advises on the climate change aspects of major transactions, financings and project development.

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Climate Change

Jeffrey R Holmstead
Jeffrey R Holmstead
Band 2


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