
Provided by Bernstein Shur

Bernstein Shur's Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation attorneys offer clients expertise in employee benefits, executive compensation, and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). The team works with a wide variety of employers, including health care entities, businesses, nonprofits, municipalities, and individuals, on ERISA requirements and liabilities, Maine Public Employees Retirement System (MEPERS) compliance and controversies, as well as the tax and ERISA implications of mergers and acquisitions. In addition, the team represents employee benefits brokers, employee-owned companies (i.e., “ESOPs”), multiple employer welfare arrangements (“MEWAs”) – as well as other large insured and self-insured health plans. The group has additional experience in the areas of flexible benefit plans, deferred compensation arrangements, split-dollar arrangements, health and life insurance plans, and stock-related compensation arrangements.

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Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation

Steven Gerlach
Steven Gerlach
Band 2


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