
Provided by Baker McKenzie

At Baker McKenzie, our Healthcare & Life Sciences Industry Group has a strong worldwide practice in complex licensing and collaborations (including US and ex-US) and other life sciences transactions, including financings, complex royalty and monetization, M&A; FDA advice and counsel and assistance with compliance issues for biopharmaceutical and medical devices companies. Our collective extensive expertise spans across various areas including licensing and collaboration transactions; companion diagnostic tools; clinical development; product launch; commercialization; manufacturing and supply; advertising, marketing and promotion; antitrust and competition laws; tax; employment; products liability litigation; intellectual property including trademarks, patent prosecution and patent litigation; biopharmaceutical compliance (including the development, implementation and training on compliance programs and investigations); and other essential aspects to support the biopharmaceutical and medical device industry. Baker McKenzie is world renowned and respected for our ability to collaborate across legal fields and countries - a key requirement for life sciences product development and commercialization. With 800+ dedicated life sciences attorneys around the world, more in-market specialists globally than any other law firm, our attorneys are adept in navigating complex legal issues for the healthcare and life sciences industry.

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Baker McKenzie

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Life Sciences: Corporate/Commercial

Randall B Sunberg
Randall B Sunberg
Band 3


Provided by Baker McKenzie

Aarthi Belani

Anat Polyachenko

Devin Muntz

Oren Livne

Randall B Sunberg

Randall B Sunberg

Head of Department

Roberta Turner