
Provided by Arntzen de Besche Advokatfirma AS

Lawyers at Arntzen de Besche possess extensive knowledge within various matters of insolvency, restructuring and refinancing and we have for several decades been involved in both large and complex cases, and smaller and more standard matters. 

We have maintained our expertise and a strong specialist environment within the area of insolvency also during times of prosperity. In collaboration with our other subject-oriented groups we stand well-equipped in assisting in all kinds of crisis management, workforce reductions, financing, restructuring, debt settlement proceedings and bankruptcy. Our insolvency experts involve specialist sector and legal knowledge from other lawyers in Arntzen de Besche as needed for the particular matter.

Within restructuring we focus on assisting in high-end debt or corporate restructuring matters, asset recovery litigation. We assist bondholders, industrial players and several of the largest banks in Scandinavia.

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Arntzen de Besche Advokatfirma AS

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Provided by Arntzen de Besche Advokatfirma AS

Per Kristian Ramsland

Stein Tonning

Vidar Løhre