Provided by Anderson Mori & Tomotsune
[Projects Finance]
Anderson Mori & Tomotsune helps clients successfully fund and obtain funding for resources, electricity and other kinds of energy, airports, toll roads and other infrastructure projects through project finance schemes. Our support includes research on the relevant regulations and drafting and negotiating the necessary structuring, implementation, and financing agreements, and we have the expertise to advise on the many highly specialized and technical agreements that are often involved.
[Energy and Natural Resources]
Anderson Mori & Tomotsune has extensive experience advising on energy and natural resources projects and transactions at a domestic and an international level, for both overseas and Japanese companies. AMT provides a full range of legal services in this area, including providing advice on various aspects of the Japanese energy industry and drafting contractual documentation for investments in, and financing for, overseas energy and natural resources projects as well as construction projects. This practice area is becoming increasingly important by virtue of the increased need to acquire natural resources both in Japan and overseas and the expansion of renewable energy businesses, and AMT is well-positioned to provide top of the range legal services with our large team of expert lawyers in this area.