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CHINA: An Introduction to International Trade/WTO: Respondent (PRC Firms)


Zhou Fen

Huihui Zhu

Qingyang Song

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International Trade from the Respondents’ Perspective of China: 2024

As global trade steadily recovers in 2024, heightened geopolitical risks and intensified competition among major economies have led to a notable increase in international trade disputes. In terms of performance, this year has seen a significant rise in trade remedy investigations against China, with a total of 154 cases as of November 14th,compared to 87 cases in 2023.

Key Industry: Steel industry becomes new focus of investigation

While only three trade remedy cases were initiated against China’s steel sector in 2023, 28 cases have been launched in 2024. This trend reflects that steel exports remain a key means of addressing the imbalance between supply and demand amid declining domestic steel demand and shrinking profits, and that many countries have implemented more stringent protection measures to support their local steel industries.

Overview of US Trade Measures Against China

In 2024, the United States maintained its approach of frequent anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigations and additional Section 301 tariffs on Chinese products, while tightening trade restrictions in strategic sectors such as advanced semiconductors, artificial intelligence, and batteries. For instance, on April 17th, USTR initiated a Section 301 investigation into what it described as 'unfair economic practices' by China in the maritime, logistics, and shipbuilding sectors. Following this, on May 14th, the Biden administration announced a substantial increase in tariffs on approximately USD18 billion of Chinese imports, covering high-tech and strategic products like electric vehicles, semiconductors, solar cells, lithium batteries, and critical minerals.

Overview of EU Trade Measures Against China

The EU, in 2024, has similarly increased its anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigations against Chinese products, adopting various measures such as the Foreign Subsidies Regulation and restrictions on public procurement to curb the entry of Chinese companies into the EU market.

Anti-Subsidy Investigation on Electric Vehicles

In the EU’s anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigations against China in 2024, one of the key issues involved electric vehicles. On 4 October 2023, the European Commission (EC) initiated an anti-subsidy investigation into electric vehicles originating from China. This marked the beginning of further disputes between China and the EU. Despite multiple rounds of negotiations, the EC decided to impose anti-subsidy duties on these vehicles on 29 October 2024. On November 4th, China formally brought the EU’s preliminary anti-subsidy measures to the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR)

Published by the EC in 2022, the FSR aims to regulate foreign subsidies across various economic activities, including trade in goods, public procurement and mergers. In 2024, the EC launched several investigations under the FSR framework into Chinese companies, with some in-depth investigations and inspections.

In February 2024, the EC initiated its first investigation under the FSR against CRRC Qingdao Sifang, ultimately forcing CRRC to withdraw from a public procurement tender by Bulgaria’s Ministry of Transport and Communications. The Commission also conducted in-depth investigations into Chinese wind turbine manufacturers, examining the application of their turbines in wind farms in Spain, Greece, and France, as well as scrutinising Longi and Shanghai Electric for participation in public procurement tenders for photovoltaic parks in Romania. Additionally, the Commission performed a FSR inspection on Nuctech, demanding access to data stored in China.

In addition, a number of investment and M&A projects involving Chinese companies have also been affected by the FSR investigations. For instance, Haier’s acquisition of Purmo has encountered significant uncertainty due to combined pressure from the FSR and the Purmo board.

Restrictions on the Public Procurement Market

In June 2022, the EU passed the International Procurement Instrument (“IPI”), empowering the EC to investigate unfair conditions affecting EU access to non-EU procurement markets. On 24 April 2024, the Commission launched its first IPI investigation into China’s public procurement market for medical devices.

On the other hand, on 22 October 2024, the European Court of Justice, in the case of Kolin v Državna (Case No C-652/22), ruled that companies from China and other non-contracting states to the WTO’s Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) are not entitled, under EU law, to participate in EU public procurement activities. While the Court left the decision to individual EU member states on whether to permit companies from non-GPA countries in public procurement processes, it did not rule out the possibility of further restrictions on Chinese companies’ access to the EU procurement market.

Growing Scrutiny on Chinese Industry Relocations by the US and EU

As China’s domestic manufacturing sector continues to expand, considerations of labour costs and the need to avoid trade sanctions have driven the gradual shift of Chinese manufacturing overseas. Countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam have become preferred destinations for China’s industrial relocation due to their favourable tariff policies and competitive labour costs.

However, as Chinese manufacturing moves abroad, the scrutiny from the US and European countries has also extended to these new investment locations. A notable example is the US’s anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigation initiated in May 2024 into photovoltaic products from four Southeast Asian countries. This increasing attention from the US and EU on Chinese industry relocation may gradually undermine the tariff advantages in Southeast Asia.

Overview of China’s Trade Remedy Measures

In 2024, China launched 14 primary trade remedy cases globally, mainly targeting the EU (five cases), Canada (three), Japan (two), India (two), Taiwan (one), and the United States (one). This marked a substantial increase compared to the two cases launched in 2022 and 2023 respectively.

This surge appears to be China’s response to unfair tariff treatment from the EU, Canada, and other jurisdictions. China’s investigations focused on products such as dairy, pork, and brandy, alongside trade and investment barriers impacting sectors like railway locomotives, photovoltaic equipment, wind energy, and security screening devices. Of the eight cases brought to the WTO in 2024, China acted as the complainant in four cases, challenging tax measures on Chinese electric vehicles imposed by the EU, Canada, and Turkey.


In the post-COVID era, the combination of economic recovery abroad, a resurgence of trade protectionism, deglobalisation pressures, and major election years has created unprecedented challenges for China in terms of both the volume of trade disputes and the expansion of trade barrier tools. Additionally, this trend shows little sign of easing in the near term.

















此外,2024年10月22日,欧盟最高法院在Kolin v. Državna案(Case No.C-652/22)中作出判决,认定来自中国等非WTO《政府采购协定》(“GPA”)缔约国的公司无权根据欧盟法律参与欧盟政府采购市场活动。虽然欧盟法院仍允许欧盟成员国自主决定是否允许非GPA缔约方企业参与政府采购程序,但不排除未来欧盟政府采购市场对中国企业继续设限的可能。







