First and foremost, we hope this announement finds you, your family, friends and colleagues in good health during these difficult times.
We want to inform you that, as a result of an agreement between the founding partners of Solórzano, Carvajal, González y Pérez Correa, S.C. (SOLCARGO), a corporate reorganization was made and, as of December 1st, 2020, a new firm, Pérez Correa, González y Asociados, S.C., commences operations, with the same team of partners and associates that have been servicing you to this day.
We reaffirm our commitment to continue working with you with the highest standards of quality and service and remain true to our belief that, by partnering with our clients –whether private, public or startups-- we are able to assist them to achieve their business goals in Mexico. We are very excited with this new project.
We remain in the same offices located at Insurgentes Sur 1602-1102, colonia Crédito Constructor, 03940, Mexico City, Mexico and at the following contact information:

Fernando Pérez Correa  [email protected]
+52 (55) 5062 0062
Luis Fernando González Nieves  [email protected]
+52 (55) 5062 0050
José Covarrubias  [email protected]
+52 (55) 5001 5408
Fernando Eraña  [email protected]
+ 52 (55) 50620054