Usage of corporate cards issued by goods and services providers to their corporate clients, enabling them to organize procurement of business-related goods and services (e.g. gas, cab services, and similar) by its employees, have been recognized and regulated by the latest amendments of relevant Serbian regulations related to fiscalization and to VAT.

The latest amendments of the Serbian Rulebook on types of fiscal receipts, types of transactions, payment methods, reference number of other documents and specificities of other elements of fiscal receipt (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, nos. 31/2021, 99/2021, 10/2022 and 49/2022) – the Rulebook on Fiscal Receipts – that came into force on 22 April 2022, treat corporate cards as one of the manners of payment for goods and services, and impose obligation of issuance of fiscal receipt and obligation to issue a separate invoice, in accordance with VAT regulations.

Simultaneously, the latest amendments of the Serbian VAT Rulebook (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, nos. 37/2021, 64/2021, 127/2021 and 49/2022) were rendered, synchronizing the VAT regulations with the above amendments of the Rulebook on Fiscal Receipts. The VAT Rulebook addresses fiscal receipts issued on the basis of use of corporate cards in the provisions that regulate whether a fiscal receipt is or is not considered as invoice, in terms of VAT Law, stating that fiscal receipt issued on the basis of purchase via corporate card is not an invoice pursuant to VAT Law. The general importance of this distinction remains the same – in cases when fiscal receipt is considered as an invoice in terms of VAT Law, when and if issuing a separate invoice, the VAT taxpayer does not have to indicate on such invoice all data required by VAT Law, but may only indicate the total payment amount for subject transaction.