According to a recent World Bank report, the Philippine economy is projected to continue treading an expansionary path and to grow at an annual rate of 6.7% through 2019. Such economic growth, particularly in respect of investments, is largely due to the government’s ambitious "Build Build Build" infrastructure program which include construction of airports, railways, bridges and seaports.

 The expected surge in construction projects in the next few years, both in the public and private sectors, will result in a corresponding increase in investor interest for such projects. As the number of construction projects grows, the risk of disputes arising from these projects likewise increases.

 To assist parties in managing and avoiding disputes in construction projects in the Philippines, Quisumbing Torres is happy to share a primer on Avoiding or Managing Disputes in Construction Projects in the Philippines. This complimentary handbook aims to assist parties in managing and avoiding disputes in construction projects in the Philippines by providing an overview of the Philippine legal framework governing construction, as well as the common issues that arise in connection with construction projects and some of the best practices to manage, if not avoid altogether, such disputes.

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