1.      Deal Description


Guerrero Olivos advised Pan American Silver on the sale of its stake (57.7%) in Agua de la Falda S.A. to Rio Tinto and the sale of mining concessions adjacent to Agua de la Falda, along with the establishment of mining royalties.


This transaction involved several complexities, particularly in the structuring and negotiation of the corresponding Share Purchase Agreement, mining royalty contracts, mining concession sale contracts, and more. Additionally, negotiations were conducted with Codelco, a shareholder of Agua de la Falda S.A.


2.     Counsel list


Counsel to Pan American Silver: Guerrero Olivos

Lead Partner: Pedro Lyon

Partners: Benjamín Pérez and Alejandro Chechilnitzky

Senior associate: Valentina Mora

Associates: Sebastián Mozó, Antonia Melelli and Javiera Cid

Counsel to Río Tinto: Cariola, Diez Pérez Cotapos

Counsel to Codelco: Carey y Cía.

3.      Date of closing




4.      Deal Value




5.      Jurisdictions involved


Chile and Canada