Imogen Fleur, a Solicitor in the Commercial Property team at CooperBurnett LLP, has stepped down from three years serving on the committee of the Kent Junior Lawyers Division (JLD), two years of those as its President. 

Imogen’s achievements over that time include organising a number of sell-out events; expanding the membership, including reaching students at the University of Kent; supporting professional development for junior lawyers; building membership numbers; holding the Achievement Awards at the Tunbridge Wells & Tonbridge District Law Society’s Annual Dinner; and supporting local charities including foodbank Nourish, Folly Wildlife Rescue and West Kent Mind. 

Kent JLD – which is supported by The Law Society of England and Wales - holds events designed to assist the professional development of junior members of the legal profession in a sociable and enjoyable way. It also provides an opportunity for junior lawyers to build their professional network.


Membership is open to anyone who is studying or working in law in Kent including students and apprentices; LPC students and graduates; trainee solicitors; SQE candidates; solicitors up to five years qualified; and any other junior legal professionals (such as paralegals and legal executives).

“It has been an honour to be on the Committee for the last three years and I am so grateful for all the opportunities and people I have met throughout this time and to have watched the JLD grow,” says Imogen. “The Kent JLD is in great hands with the newly elected Co-Presidents Jordan Ismail and Jonathan Laws, both trainee solicitors at Rix & Kay, and I am excited to see what the new committee gets up to.”