• Peruvian lawyers were present at international event held in Washington D.C.
September 2016.- The International Bar Association (IBA), the largest organization of legal professionals, which brings together more than 40,000 lawyers in 160 countries and their respective local associations, presented the 2016 IBA Annual Conference, which was held in Washington, DC in September. As part of the event, Cecilia Guzmán-Barrón, partner of Gallo Barrios Pickmann Abogados, participated as a speaker in the panel New technology and its impact on the financial services industry – new challenges for employers.
"In Peru, cybersecurity in the workplace for the employer in the financial sector face three major problems: money laundering and terrorist financing, selling databases containing customer information and identity theft. In this regard, the current regulation requires the employer to ensure the financial integrity of its staff, stay alert to suspicious behavior inside and outside the workplace, and have an organizational structure that allows information security. The regulatory framework impacts in the field of human resources, which is also evident in the faculty of SBS to suspend managers and bank employees who violate the code of conduct, this sanction must be applied by the company's board. This framework affects human talent management in order to help the Financial Intelligence Unit to prevent cybercrime, therefore we consider it appropriate", said the specialist.
Among the speakers who accompanied Guzmán-Barrón in the panel, were: Ewa Butkiewicz of Wardynski & Partners (Poland), Jonathan Maude Vedder Price (England), Anders Etgen Reitz of Iuno (Denmark); Thomas Shpetner, Investment Technology Group (USA).
"It is difficult to strike a balance between threats to cybersecurity and consumers of financial services, the right to privacy and the inviolability of employee communications, and the restrictions on monitoring work tools by the employer. The Constitutional Court accepts the review of corporate chats by the employer only if there is a prior court order. Therefore, the biggest challenge to achieve the balance is the interpretation of the judicial authorities, who should have the support of IT specialists and in regulatory law. Without an interdisciplinary look, we will not advance in that way, "said Guzmán-Barrón.
The conference was attended by important speakers such as David W Rivkin, President of IBA, who began the opening ceremony, Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, and Loretta Lynch, US Attorney General.