Another year has gone by! That is 13 in total! And here I am sharing my thoughts about our last 12 months, or in fact about the last 13 years!

For the 12-year article I researched what the number 12 means and during my research I came across an interesting fact – “A baker’s Dozen” represents the number 13 not the 12. Thought I would write about the number 13 and its meaning, but it is a more controversial topic (bad luck or good luck – even though I do not believe in luck, but in hard work). So instead, I decided to change change!

Last week, my partner Tatiana remined me of my article saying that it needed to be even more inspiring than the last ones… (it’s a good thing we’re not celebrating 60 years! LOL)

This reminder brought me memories and a reflection, which I now share with you.

In the early years of the office, my dear partner Alamy introduced me to the enchanting world of cycling. I’ve always enjoyed cycling, but not at the level he showed me. In our second year together, 2012 to be more precise, he took me on a cycling trip in Colorado (USA) where we cycled more than 150km a day (!) and with altimetry that varied from 1200 to 3000 meters every day! It was a rewarding, inspiring, emotional and painful six days! Since then, I started to follow cycling, being more assiduous in recent years. And I always like to watch the stages of the grand tours, especially the Tour de France.

You must be wondering, where am I going with this article. Well then. A few days ago, I watched the end of the 19th stage of the 2023 Tour de France, in which Slovenian cyclist Matej Mohorič beat Kasper Asgreen in a photo finish. What moved me the most was not the millimetric “photo-finish” win, but his candid interview right after the race. It is worth mentioning that his teammate, Gino Mäder, died after a terrible crash in the Tour de Suisse, in June of this year, and that was certainly on his mind when giving his interview.

In response to the question of what this victory means, he replied (words may not be accurate): “It means a lot. It’s hard and cruel to be a professional cyclist. You sacrifice so much, your family too, and then you realize that everyone is so strong. Sometimes you feel like you don’t belong here. I followed Asgreen and did my best for Gino and the team. Everyone works a lot, the mechanics, the physiotherapists (…) I feel so many things now (…)”.

Cycling is one of the most difficult, sacrificing, exciting and passionate sports. And, also, very inspiring due to the strategy and the important team work. This candid interview by Mohorič portrays that.

Now you must be thinking. Okay, here comes Henrique to convince me to start cycling… and what does that have to do with the 13 years?

Everything! When I listened to Mohorič’s interview (I was watching it live and I was very moved), I immediately began to reflect that what he said is true for any activity in which you dedicate yourself to be the best (taking, of course, the proper proportions). Sacrifice, teamwork, suffering, competition, anguish…. Those words kept echoing in my head all day and provoked a reflection on the 13 years of Candido Martins.

Sacrifice: Yes, we sacrifice time with our wives, children, family and friends for the sake of work.

Suffering: Yes, whether physical or mental.

Anguish: Yes, in many situations involving clients, potential clients, colleagues and our lawyers.

Teamwork: Without our team and feeling of collaboration, we would not have made it past the first year. No cyclist wins the tour alone without his team! And we at Candido Martins create successful stories because work is done as a team.

Competition: It increases every day and we have to be always prepared for it, resulting in sacrifice and anguish.

It is worth it? Most definitely! We are at Candido Martins because we love what we do. The feelings and emotions reported above confirm our choices. I believe that in each of the 13 years we have been winners of our own “Tour de France”, always creating and conquering successful stories.

Continuing with the parallel of the Tour de France, the “21 stages” we covered during 2022 and the beginning of 2023 were challenging. We had mountain races, which demanded a lot of constancy and determination; time trials, in which the individuality of each one was important; and sprint races, in which the effort in the final stretch was enormous. All this is only possible because, in each of the stages, we always rely on teamwork. Here, I am referring to everyone: us, the lawyers, the administrative team (administrators and attendants), our colleagues and, above all, our clients.

Unlike the Tour de France, our rest days are very scarce! As a transactional office, we carry out M&A transactions, evaluate better tax and corporate structures, implement capital market transactions, plan efficient wealth planning structures and defend our clients (judicial and tax administrative litigation). Each of these jobs can start as a mountain race and change to a time trial or a long race with a final sprint. The bike chain could break in the middle of the race or the tire could go flat! We cannot predict these events, but we can prepare for all the unforeseen events that a long-term race requires from an excellent team and the best professionals. With a lot of dedication and empathy we have already reached “13 stages/years”!

Let the next Tour come!

I cannot end the article without explaining the title. Col du Tourmalet is one of the most feared and revered climbs of the Tour de France. It requires dedication, effort, teamwork and a lot of focus. Here at Candido Martins we come across a Col du Tourmalet every day and what matters most to us are the achievements during each meter of the ascent to reach the summit and not exactly the achievement of getting there; this is a consequence! The Col du Tourmalet was part of the 6th stage of this Tour de France which was won by Tadej Pogacar.