Tavarone, Rovelli, Salim & Miani acted as legal counsel to Celulosa Argentina S.A. while Bruchou & Funes de Rioja acted as legal counsel to Banco de Servicios y Transacciones S.A., Puente Hnos. S.A., Balanz Capital Valores S.A.U., Zofingen Securities S.A., Invertironline S.A.U, Banco Supervielle S.A., Facimex Valores S.A., and GMC Valores S.A. in the public offering of 8.00% Class 20 Notes for U$S3,699,506 due February 8, 2026 Class 20 Notes are denominated and payable in U.S. dollars, and 7.00% Class 21 Notes for U$S11,300,494 due February 8, 2026 Class 21 Notes are denominated in U.S. dollars and payables in Pesos, both issued by Celulosa Argentina S.A. on August 8, 2024 under its U$S150,000,000 Global Notes Program.

Banco de Servicios y Transacciones S.A., Puente Hnos. S.A., Balanz Capital Valores S.A.U., Zofingen Securities S.A., Invertironline S.A.U, Banco Supervielle S.A., Facimex Valores S.A., and GMC Valores S.A. acted as placement agents of the Notes. Banco de Servicios y Transacciones S.A. and Puente Hnos. S.A. acted as arrangers of the issuance, and Banco de Servicios y Transacciones S.A. also acted as settlement agent of this issuance.

External Counsels to Celulosa Argentina S.A.

Tavarone, Rovelli, Salim & Miani through its team led by partner Marcelo R. Tavarone, together with associates Martina Ximena Sumaria Gutiérrez, Carolina Pilchik and Juan Cruz Carenzo.

External Counsel to Banco de Servicios y Transacciones S.A., Puente Hnos. S.A., Balanz Capital Valores S.A.U., Zofingen Securities S.A., Invertironline S.A.U, Banco Supervielle S.A., Facimex Valores S.A., and GMC Valores S.A.

Bruchou & Funes de Rioja through its team led by partner José María Bazán, together with associates Leandro Exequiel Belusci, Melina Signorello and Malena Tarrío.