Top 10 Highest number of Legal Department Rankings by Location in Asia-Pacific 2023 Guide

The Asia Pacific Legal Guide 2023 is live, and our coverage has grown to include more in-depth insight and a wider scope, including more department rankings. Some countries and regions have shown considerable growth, especially when we look back at each location over the last five years.

Published on 21 December 2022
Written by Sarah Kogan
Sarah Kogan

In this article, we provide you with a look at the top 10 locations with the highest number of legal department rankings in the 2023 guide. First, let’s gain a better understanding of what might affect a country or region’s likelihood of having a higher number of department rankings.

What impacts the top locations?

It’s not surprising that the largest economies – such as Australia, India and Japan – have the highest number of department rankings, as this goes hand-in-hand with a highly-developed corporate law community. In smaller markets, legal firms are less specialised and can cover a broader range of work without the need for distinguished departments. 

A number of these countries have implemented a variety of strategies to expand their legal industry. This include liberalising regulations to allow more foreign firms to enter the market, investing in legal education and training to increase the number of qualified attorneys and promoting the development of legal services in niche, in-demand areas such as competition/antitrust, international trade and arbitration.

These efforts may have helped to make legal firms in the Asia Pacific region more competitive and dynamic, which has enabled them to cover a wider range of legal matters.

The data

The amount of research that went into this year’s 3,587 department rankings is immense. The team at Chambers and Partners sets a high standard for excellence, with researchers conducting in-depth research across a wide range of countries, practice areas and legal sectors. This includes conducting thousands of in-depth interviews with clients, staff and market commentators each year.

It’s this in-depth data collection and analysis that allows Chambers to deliver the best insight into the Asia-Pacific legal markets. Simply making a submission doesn’t guarantee a spot in the legal guide even though each one is thoroughly reviewed and assessed.

With over 200 researchers the Chambers research team is able to gather an unrivalled body of client and market feedback, and to conduct analysis across a huge body of submissions, including comparing and analysing key work handled by law firms, barristers sets and individual lawyers.

The rankings

Below are the top 10 locations by number of ranked departments in the Asia Pacific 2023 legal guide:

  1. Australia
  2. India
  3. Singapore
  4. Asia-Pacific Region
  5. Japan
  6. South Korea
  7. New Zealand
  8. Malaysia
  9. Indonesia
  10. Vietnam

Why do the Chambers and Partners rankings matter?

The research conducted by Chambers and Partners is unrivalled in terms of accuracy, depth and quality. It’s what makes us the best resource for individuals across the globe searching for legal representation from the top lawyers in their field. Our rankings can’t be bought and therefore we provide one of the only independent, fully researched rankings available. 

We continue to expand our market coverage as the market organically develops. And, with feedback and guidance from in-house experts and law firms, we continue to evolve our coverage to reflect changes in the legal profession.

Watch the 2023 Guide Launch Video, which aired in December 2022, where we discuss some of our key findings from this year’s research.


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