In the Press: Chambers research feeds news stories in Brazil

Recently, Chambers Brazil have featured in reputable publications in Brazil, highlighting our rankings, analysis, findings and coverage of the legal sector.

Published on 19 August 2021
Written by Luís Bulcão Pinheiro
Luís Bulcão Pinheiro

The importance of Chambers rankings is well-known. Unsurprisingly, several outlets have relied on the information we publish to produce insightful news stories for professionals across all industries including legal.  

Chambers Brazil coverage in leading publications in Brazil

Recently, the well established newspaper, Correio Braziliense turned to our rankings to discuss the representation of female lawyers in elite law firms in Brazil's capital. The publication interviewed leading ranked lawyers and elaborated on the always pressing theme of gender gap in the drive to further enhance diversity and inclusion in the legal sector. 

The Brasília newspaper followed the path of Valor Econô´mico, which published a story featuring Chambers Brazil's female star individuals earlier. The nation-wide financial newspaper focused on our first release in March. 

Porto Alegre's Zero Hora newspaper is also among the press vehicles that recently commented on Chambers Brazil legal rankings, highlighting the top law firms in Rio Grande do Sul.

O Estado de São Paulo has also published our article about the impact of the pandemic on Brazil's high-end legal market.

Commitment to providing legal insights in Brazil

As a respected source of independent and reliable legal research, Chambers Brazil will continue to work with the local press to contribute with insights and analysis of the Brazilian legal market.


Chambers Brazil

View the Chambers Brazil guide for the most informative and market leading reviews and analysis of the leading law firms and lawyers across the country and insights on the guide.