Online Submissions

Read about our new digital experience for when submitting to Chambers.

Published on 22 May 2023

What is Online Submissions?

At Chambers we are here to independently research the global legal market and champion exceptional talent, and submissions is a large part of that process, so improving the submissions experience has been a big priority for us. We spoke to firms about how we could make submitting easier for them, so they can continue to be recognised for the outstanding work they do. We have used this feedback to develop Online Submissions.

It is a new, enhanced digital experience which helps anyone submitting to Chambers save time and easily manage all their content when creating and sending submissions and referees to Chambers. 

We have successfully tested and piloted Online Submissions with some firms already, to make the user experience as simple as possible. Now we are opening our Beta version to the market.  

Chambers Online Submissions Homescreen

Anyone wishing to submit to Chambers, whether they are new or have submitted before, will have the opportunity to apply to use the Beta version of Online Submissions. To help with the Online Submissions journey, we have created a dedicated Help Centre with step-by-step videos and guidance, and our Customer Success team are on hand to support. To make sure that all users are given the support they require to complete their Online Submission securely and confidently, places on the Beta program will initially be limited.  

To register your interest go to our dedicated page. 

Users will receive confirmation from Chambers about whether they have been accepted to the Beta scheme and that their access to the new platform has been enabled.    

Using the Online Submissions is not compulsory. We will still be accepting submissions via our traditional template, so if you are part way through creating a submission using our traditional template or you would simply prefer to continue to submit in the way you are most familiar with, you can do that.  

If your research cycle has recently closed, research will be conducted as usual, so you do not need to take any action relating to your submission, and we recommend that you wait until your next research cycle opens again before registering your interest to use the Online Submissions.  

This new submission route is optional

We have designed Online Submissions to be a simpler way to compile your submission content and referees, but your submissions and referees will be processed and researched by Chambers in exactly the same way, so whichever way you chose to submit, your choice won’t impact our research methodology, our ranking decision or the band you may be placed in.  

The way your data is handled is the same, whichever route you submit by, so your data and confidential cases are just as secure in Online Submissions as the traditional template. 

If you have questions, please see our FAQs page.