New Chambers Latin America Research Director
Learn about the new changes in the Chambers Latin America team.
A new appointment for Chambers Latin America
Chambers Latin America is proud to announce that Jonathan Block has been promoted to Latin America Research Director. This is an interim appointment whilst Mónica Tantaleán is on maternity leave.
Latin America remains an important market for Chambers and Jonathan's first few months in the role will coincide with an important time for the company's Latin America-focused publication, with the 2023 edition of Chambers Latin America launching in August 2022 and the 2024 research cycle starting shortly afterwards.
Introducing the new Latin America Research Director at Chambers
Jonathan joined Chambers and Partners in 2015 after completing a degree in Politics. He had always had a keen interest in the Spanish language and thought that Chambers would be a great place to put this to some good professional use. He has since undertaken postgraduate studies in law in London. After a short stint researching the Paraguayan legal market, he took over as the main researcher for the Mexican legal market. This gave him insight into one of the publication's most significant markets and one of Latin America's most important economies.
Having solidified his understanding of the key players in the Mexican market, he broadened his horizons by becoming a Research Manager, taking on responsibility for reviewing the rankings and editorial content for Mexico, Central America and International Counsel (or Latin America-wide as it was known at that time). Since then, he has added Chile and Colombia to his list of responsibilities. He has participated in webinars with leading firms in the region and co-hosted the most recent Chambers Latin America awards held in Miami last year.
Commenting on his recent promotion, Jonathan noted: I am so pleased to be taking over from Mónica Tantaleán; she is someone who has not only been of great professional support to me, but also some I can call a dear friend. We have worked together for a number of years and I really admire the work that she has done whilst leading our team, so I am excited to carry on the good work that she started. I wish her and her family all the best and look forward to seeing her back at Chambers and Partners soon.
I encourage all firms who have questions or comments about our research to reach out to me at [email protected]