Gender Representation in the Chambers UK 2022 Rankings
The Chambers UK team introduces a new podcast episode to discuss what the Research Team is doing to improve diversity within the rankings.
Promoting gender equality in the Chambers UK rankings
In this episode of the Chambers UK Podcast, the Chambers UK team talk about how they approach diversity in research and developments in the rankings over the last year.
In the recent edition of the guide, the team have launched a range of measures to promote gender equality in the UK rankings. A key element in the submissions for the Chambers UK 2022 guide was the introduction of the "Leave Policy." This gives firms space in section B9 to explain why we could be seeing less, or no, work from individuals if they have had to take the necessary time off to take care of any personal issues. The submissions also now ask for the lead lawyer rather than the lead partner on work highlights, to encourage firms to recognise the individual with the lead role on a matter whether they're an associate or a partner.
In addition to ongoing training sessions with the Chambers Diversity & Inclusion team, the Chambers UK research team also aims for a 50:50 split in the lawyer interviews they conduct.