Brazil Rankings Covered By Leading Publication

We are delighted to share details of the coverage of the Chambers Brazil guide and legal rankings with a leading newspaper.

Published on 30 March 2021
Written by Luís Bulcão Pinheiro
Luís Bulcão Pinheiro

Chambers Brazil law firm and lawyer rankings media coverage

The Brazilian newspaper Valor Econômico covered the brand-new Chambers Brazil guide and rankings by raising an important discussion around diversity and inclusion among leaders of the legal profession.

Is there diversity within Brazilian law firms?

The newspaper interviewed three female lawyers who are ranked as star individuals in Brazil and who are examples of undisputed leadership. The gap in top positions is still high, but, as the newspaper notes is decreasing. In the areas covered by Chambers Contentious, 22% of ranked lawyers are female, compared to 19% last year.

The full article, in Portuguese, on the Valor Econômico website can be read here.


Chambers Brazil

View the Chambers Brazil guide for the most informative and market leading reviews and analysis of the leading law firms and lawyers across the country and insights on the guide.