Office Profile

Legal Export Abogados

Santiago de Chile Office

Current View

Latin America
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Provided by Legal Export Abogados

Legal Export Abogados is a leading law firm in the Shipping, Commodities, International Trade, Insurance, Logistics and Litigation with very competitive rates.

The law firm clients includes some of the most important players in the Commodities and Transport Sector including Insurers, Freight Forwarders, including companies form the Public and Private sector.

Legal Export Abogados has developed an extended work for clients in the mentioned sectors including law firms from Europe and Americas representing them in their work in Chile and South America.


This content is provided by Legal Export Abogados. Learn more about our methodology

Chile - Head office
Alcántara 200, office 402, Las Condes , Santiago de Chile, Santiago, Chile


Tel: +56 233759100