Office Profile


Paris Office

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Astura’s commitment is “building bridges”. 

A bridge between France and the rest of the world.  

With a strong Anglo-Saxon culture, Astura combines a highly qualified know-how with an international outreach. The firm mainly acts on cross-border matters, in France and abroad, which represent about 80% of the firm’s M&A practice.

Astura is frequently appointed as an expert French law firm to work along top international law firms on the French aspects of large international transactions.

Astura is also regularly appointed as lead counsel on deals involving various jurisdictions.

Astura has a strong expertise in the financial sector.  

A bridge between M&A and technology.  

Astura has cutting-edge expertise in numerous fields to address the challenges of its clients. Astura draws on the strength of its team spirit to deliver the best for its clients through integrated practices.

In particular, Astura is recognized for working in a perfectly integrated way on transactions requiring specific skills in in M&A, and IP/IT. Astura’s M&A team has a proven capacity to work closely with its IP/IT team, which make the difference in tech M&A matters.

A bridge between law and technology.  

An innovative law firm, Astura has developed Legio, a platform to automate the drafting of legal documents.

A bridge between complex situations and M&A  

Astura has a particular expertise of M&A transactions in complex situations involving disputes among the parties.


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France - Head office
26 avenue George V , Paris, Paris, France, 75008